
This is the story of the second reason I no longer enjoy being in the woods.

Im so glad to see this happening and I hope it becomes far more widespread! As usual American women add to the debt we owe black women for leading this and so many other charges. Get what’s yours, ladies. Stripping is HARD FUCKING WORK (it is physical labor, guys) and anyone that says it’s easy money can go fuck

I picture you typing this from a church pew as you clutch your JC Penny pearl necklace.

Nailed it

I actually just texted my bff about this this morning, in my case about a girl (I’m also a girl) I work with who I was kind of friends with for a minute there when I first started at the job. Then all of a sudden I just... stopped wanting anything to do with her, and I really couldn’t explain it, even to myself. I

I find this deeply insulting. Jabba may be a giant evil slug-like being, but comparing him to Alex Jones is simple beyond the pale.

Well I, for one, am shocked.

True. Too, too true.

I find I often try to comfort myself with this comparison as well but they’ve been around for ALMOST A DECADE at this point which is like, way longer than P-hilt. I think because there was only one of her???? I don’t know. It’s all dismaying. I don’t really get it. Like what is so compelling about these people? Is it

yeah but like, with ham.

He went... to... Western Carolina University? .....A royal person?

I dunno man, a whole bunch of people let her make... her whole last album.

They look like they’re from Grandma’s Life Size Porcelain Doll Collection, exclusively at Sears. 

Chillingly accurate.

I was married a year and a half before I left my husband the first time. We were reunited for another year and a half before I divorced him for good. I know people say this and it sounds like an excuse, but the man I dated was not the same man I was married to. It was like I dated a young, loving guy but MARRIED his


Honestly I know for my mom it was that she was much more concerned with things appearing fine than things actually BEING fine, so reality was either distorted, ignored or flatly denied if it did not fit with her preferred narrative. Cue years of leaving her young daughter alone all day with someone with RESTRAINING

God this was disturbing. I have honestly NEVER even wanted to SEE a woody allen movie, like even before I was cognizant of the other gross sexual shit it seemed so painfully obvious that his work was just a vehicle for showing himself over and over and over again as the fucking neurotic, disgusting, obsessive lech he

Aaaaaand I’m crying

Honestly I am just so sick to fucking death of American Christian church rhetoric. Like I’m so fucking sick of megachurches and smarmy, self-righteous pastors and everyone being so FUCKING INSANE about sex and sexuality. I’m sick of this country’s Pence-yness and I’m sick of disgusting religious nonsense having any