
Wow... thank you for this

Call on the angels.

Literal chills rn

Holy FUCK dude. I am so glad you were ok physically (thank God for Dozer!!!!!!) but can only begin to fathom the trauma this caused. I’m so fucking sorry this happened to you.

I don’t care either way about Ashton but I appreciate you saying this because reading comprehension

Fuck the news, man.

Fuuuuuuckin hell man.

Oh this is so, so sad and heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for your lost! I can only imagine how awful that must have felt. But how sweet he came to see you!! I bet he stops by to see you quite a bit <3

Omg this is so good!! Like how weird to think your life has literally been saved by... by what??? MyMom’s Mom has a story about when my grandpa was really sick in the hospital one night, and she ran out into the hallway yelling for a nurse in desperation because he’d taken a serious turn for the worse. A nurse comes,

Oooooo I have a (kind of) similar story!! I used to live in an apartment down the street from a good friend of mine, and one night I had been hanging out at her place and then walked home. I don’t remember what time it was but it was dark and I suspect sometime around midnight, certainly no earlier than 11. This was a

Perfect gif is perfect

“I am a berry in a wolf’s mouth”

I went to college with this person and I still remember vividly a line from a poem she published in the literary magazine one year. It has stuck with me all these years, and her talents were apparent to everyone even then. I’m so happy for her!!!

Just here to say I fucking LOVE SZA And I am so gd excited her new album is out. I’m sorry to here it happened in such a shitty way for her, that blows. This chick is so good if anyone here hasnt listened yet I really recommend it.

I recently watched some of his standup, which was the first time for me, and I was honestly floored by the shit he said about his wife. He literally said, out loud, to a theater full of people, that there were times he’d hit her. It was like wow ok well there’s that then. The whole thing just came across as a little

Would watch Malek knit a scarf so this all sounds a-okay to moi!

Omg this sounds absolutely awful - I’m so sorry you went through that!! I never had anything traumatic to that degree happen to me, but I HAVE always haaaaated needles, and even had to have an extra nurse in the room to hold my hand when I got a tetanus shot a few months ago (talk about humiliating). For me the

Love this, love stars, love commemorative flower tattoos. I love that you and your mom are both gunna get ones in honor of your friend! I’ve got one of my closest mom-figures (my bio mom is out of the picture) close to hopping over to my side of the fence on tattoos and getting semi-matching flower tats. A girl can

I love these!!!!! Thank you for sharing! I am a super space nerd myself and am super into those planets. The flowers are GORGEOUS. I feel the same way re: body radness. One of my more recent, nice tattoos is on my arm and I’ve had a number of old folks make comments about regretting it later and it’s like ACTUALLY

That is amazing! Good for you and congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment!!!! Some badass ink sounds like the perfect way to commemorate it <3