
Wow that is badASS. WWII folks have my admiration forever. My grandpa was in the air traffic control tower during the Berlin air lift. I learned this last year, almost a decade after his death. Really wish I’d been able to talk to him about it. And perchance do you have the EGA???

Lol I absolutely will not!! That is very good advice. Unless maybe it’s my dog’s... I’ve heard it’s actually like a bad luck omen to do so. Gotta say I am a little partial to military tats, have some close loved ones with one of two of those.

GUYS. I am finally flush with some cash and am sooooo excited to get my next tattoo. I have ALWAYS, since I was a pretty young kid, thought tattoos were literally the coolest things ever and could not wait to get my own. So, of course, as soon as I turned 18 I got like six (all very small and fairly discreet) in the

Ah thanks for asking! I realize that comment was pretty vague. What you asked makes a lot of sense though, why shouldn’t the actual product be fair game? I was more commenting on what I felt like was a much snarkier tone than I expected when I clicked through, and I think that’s what made me knee-jerk it into the Lena

I actually have left and returned a few times over the years (been reading this blog for a long time now), I feel like it goes in weird cycles where sometimes things get really aggressively dark, both in the articles and the comments but then it swings back around to being a supportive, critically thinking community.

Yeah it was the recent Lena Dunham dog stories that did it for me. I feel like it’s getting worse?

I know I know I don’t know why I feel so weird about admitting how much I like them! Don’t pile on to my guilt Methuselah!!

Just two days ago I admitted out loud to a friend that I dont think there’s an album I’ve listened to in it’s entirety more than the Gorillaz 2001. She was like uh.... that’s pretty random. Which I guess is true! But as a suburban American 13 yr old white girl on the eastern seaboard I had never heard anything like it

I’m blanking on bands I pretended to like though I’m sure there were a couple when some *~cUtE~* boy was involved, but I definitely pretended NOT to like pop music as much as I did (and still do!) for like, years. I generally disliked sad/mopey/angsty music (with the notable exception of Nirvana) because it made

Good ole Diaper Don!

CONGRATS MRS FINGERBOTTOM!!! Here’s to many more articles to come!! :)

I used to luuuuuuuv this movie and watched it every time it was on TV which was like very often at the time for some reason.

As a (shamefully, sadly) completely non-musical individual I appreciate this comment, as it eases my mind a bit about the person who made this video. I am still very much concerned on their behalf, but at least now I know they likely weren’t at this for like, a week and a half.

Ditto papooismyname - you really do look lovely!!


This video is an unsettling combination of hilarious and deeply disturbing. Who made this?! How long did they spend on it? Gosh I can hardly make myself finish a book I took out the library let alone recreate an entire smashmouth song using 00s computer noises. People are weird.

Hey all just a reminder to please not ungrey the red blooded Americans storming this story about actual children being murdered with guns trying to explain to us how it’s all ok because firearms make their dicks feel so big and hard

I used to think someone targeting congressmen/senators would be the only way to force gun law change but then the charity baseball thing happened and they STILL won’t do anything so probably nothing will ever be bad enough.

Yeah this whole nonsense of shitting all over her for being honest about her struggles with this dog that she pretty obviously loved and cared about is really gross to me. Sometimes animals need and absolutely SHOULD be rehomed. It’s sad but yeah, it fucking happens!! I love animals, I love my dog literally more than

Beautiful, perfect, I love it, thank you!