
Nope he’s dirty too. Haven’t seen it elsewhere​ yet but the twits are a’tweeting about it as we speak. Q tip is going down with this garbage barge.

Naw, the folks in the know are saying his fingers are dirty too. With all the repubs touched by the stinky Russian skid mark the next in line for president is at Orrin Hatch of Utah, pres pro tem of the Senate. And that’s not to say he isnt dirty too, just that he’s not currently implicated. Pence, Ryan, Priebus,

Dang that sounds like a LOT - glad you’re able to be home and get some r & r in, you’ve definitely earned it!

I cut off contact with my mom two years ago this month. As much as I wish the circumstances were different I also... still just feel really good being free of her. She was emotionally pretty abusive and my brother was pure hell and the two of them have always had a disgusting codependent thing that made my young life

Wait, THE Maya Angelou?? Deets plz??

I fucking hate this evil gremlin’s stupid fucking tiny round head and shitty stupid ears and the fact that he has a position of fucking power in this country. Is this man 5'2"???? Do his shoes squeak when he walks??? Does he sleep in a dark hole under the cellar stairs where every night he jerks himself to sleep to

I’ve been saying this for so long!!



Ok. Brendan Fraser in the Mummy was the awakening of my young loins. The pants, the guns, the pithy comments, all under the crown of that Devon Sawa hair. The man was beautful. This is indisputable. HOWEVER, I’m not sure if you’ve seen the poor man RECENTLY but god, that good thing went bad. So really, you’re both

It is definitely the macaroni pubes

I am absolutely certain you are braver and stronger than you think

Thank you!!

Thank you, I so appreciate the reminder!!

This will probably get buried but it will be nice to at least have a place to vent.

God you are so strong to get through this. Sending you courage and love and miracles and as much loving energy to your sweet sweet baby as I am able. I hope you are surrounded by people who are comforting and safe and can share this heaviness with you. My heart goes out to you and your family. Prayers, blessings,

That blows, man. I’m sorry. I hope tomorrow something happens that makes you feel really happy!!

Omg Quizz Swanigan

My dream is that this whole situation drives Kendall deep into an existential crisis, where she isolates herself from her Kardashian Klan for six months, churning the loamy soil of her soul for purpose and meaning. She starts reading up on the histories of marginalized peoples and their fight for civil rights in this

And those dresses are beautiful don’t get me wrong, but we went to one wedding where the dress was so huge she basically had her MOH attending her all night and had to stuff the front with tissues to fill it out, one of which escaped while she was dancing. I was like ok well lesson learned on that front!