
I also got a JCrew wedding dress for $150 on eBay and it was like my favorite thing about my wedding!! I will forever be secretly ashamed that a lot of my.wedding wasn’t what I wanted or hoped it would be but hey, at least I liked my dress.

Its taken me so long to finally be a decent sleeper and I’m still not all the way there but it’s mercifully much better now! Ditto what pretty much everyone said about establishing a routine and cutting back on caffeine and alchy in the pm. I stopped drinking caffeine after noon for a long time when I was first trying

Yeah that word really jumped out at me too, like it is literally unbelievable and yet, there it is, a real thing Sean Spicer said. On TV. From the White House. In America.

This is acceptable.

No lie my aunt and uncle just finished redoing their kitchen and it looks EXACTLY LIKE THAT. I am, as the kids say, shook.

As you deserved!!!

You are a brave, strong soul! Loss of points for needing nourishment, though. Nourishment is for the weak.

I feel like Pence and his ilk are truly the clenched anus personified.

I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you in a place now where you feel well and happy!

HERE, HERE! I am planning to attend the wedding of a friend from high school this summer and I am delighted that I’ll have the chance to be a part of the celebration (she’s the type who will leave no small detail undone, so I’m excited to see how beautiful it will be as well) and especially that I’ll get to see all my


I flew non rev on Delta once with a boyfriend back in the day. I had never done this before and though I knew there was a dress code I didn’t know how strict it was or that they literally would not let you on the plane if they didn’t find your clothes appropriate. Anyway I was in college and wore a dress that the gate

Well this got... rather specific

That this man is given a massive media platform is literally criminal. He is one of those people where you’re like HOW on Earth have you not suffered a fatal heart attack?? How has your physical body managed to endure this level of constant rage without some major artery exploding like a rotting tomato? I will never

He played that idiot in Idiocracy does that count?

I personally gave up hope of anything remaining sacred after they made that fucking trolls movie (in 2016 no less)

I can’t decide if I want to bet on Everything Is Free or Ignoring Things You Don’t Understand. If something else wins I’m going to be very disappointed in everyone.


She looks great and she’s clearly having so much damn FUN

Same same same, she used to be the embarrassing music my mom played in her white Pathfinder as we drove to the hair salon in 1998 that I pretended not to enjoy. And now it’s the music I unabashedly lip synch to while I do literally anything because it is amazing. I wanted to see her next year for my 30th bday but I