
Was hoping I would see this here


Fuck this monster.

Is this your spring altar???!??? It’s breathtaking!! Happy spring! Happy lunar New year! Feeling that aries energy coursing through me 🐏🌱🌼

I am unreasonably excited about this

This is literally what my boss’s soon-to-be-ex-husband called my boss, who has openly admitted to she is bipolar and does not treat it, after she was so shitty to me in front of patients that I walked out of work for a day in protest and so I didn’t completely lose my shit. I was like huh, did the change that in the

Have felt this way for years myself. Always love to see others sharing the feeling ❤️

Um this is eerily accurate

True dat. I love when gross old white folks are like IT IS ABHORRENT AND GROSS TO ME it’s like well Wilma I get pretty grossed out if I think too much about you and Bobby Joe’s sex life which is why I DON’T EVER THINK ABOUT IT. Like just mind your damn business. And I find it particularly ridiculous when these

This is such a real question. In high school one of my dearest best friends went into outpatient care for her eating disorder. In our group of seven close friends, me and one other girl were chosen by our friend’s mother to be her Safe people. I stayed with her literally 24 hours a day for two weeks, measured her

I AM SO FUCKING HERE FOR THIS OMg I’m sorry im sorry

Ugh the post-manipulation guilt. I feel you. I’m glad you’ve moved on and are (hopefully!) happy now. A similar thing happened to me, and it seems no matter how many times I remind myself that he was MANIPULATING ME at my darkest, saddest, most vulnerable time I still blame myself. Looking back, I feel like it should

THANK YOU for pointing this out it’s almost like I know EXACTLY who you’re referring to and wonder wtf their deal is EVERY fucking time I see their posts on EVERY fucking article

I am such a music rube honestly and a lot of this was like reading an article in a language I am only semi-fluent in, but it was really great. You are so talented Julianne and it is really a treat to read your music reviews because your deep love and nuanced understanding of music and music culture just shines through

We are so unfuckingworthy. The goddess has returned, and she is embodied in the form of this artist mogul mother queen this beautiful black woman filled with untouchable power and grace and I am so thankful to be living in a time of her creation. Corny as hell but she gives me hope in this dark ugly time. Women are

Eta Kinja double post!

This comment is excellent ⭐

I have been feeling increasingly hopeless today reading the news. My pulse literally quickened when I saw this headline. Missy Elliott is everything I needed right now.

The day will come when America will look at Trump voters and say “you did this.” And it will be true.

That’s the thing though, they don’t care about any of the reasons or needs women might have an abortion, which means women die. Or go to jail, or fuck up their insides or get stuck with children they don’t want or can’t care for. Literally none of that matters to the pro-birthers. If a woman didn’t want to have to