
My husband’s best friend has three daughters and he and his wife voted trump and it infuriates me. Like you sold them out, fam. You really did.

Yes, broad city is so lady-friendship positive and a delight to watch. I got stuck watching one episode of girls at a friend’s house one time and I was like god all of these people are so... annoying and awful. And they were like they’re supposed to be, haha! Like how is that enjoyable? I feel the same way about It’s

You make a good point, and you’re right I’m definitely projecting some specific shit onto her, but I wasn’t trying to say “she’s a mom she should do better.” There are plenty of politicians and pundits who aggravate me (men and women alike) who I know for certain have kids and it means nothing to me, but for some

It’s a combination of that under bite, the awful limp hair that I’m sure has been that same tinny shade of blonde for 15 years and was probably originally a light, mousy brown, and the look of pure shit emanating from her cold, dead eyes.

There is nothing about this show that is appealing to me on any level. I had a rough couple of years a few years back and since then I’ve just been like I do NOT have time for shows/movies/real people who aren’t at least TRYING to be kind to each other. If I want to see people treating each other like garbage I can



Hey Rachel! Just wanted to let you know I love your blogs and think you’re a motherfucking badass who deserves kindness and respect! I know you already know this but I can’t imagine you hear it enough in a work context!!!!!!!!! Anyway I’m sorry about shitty trolls girl fuck tha haters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!


*GASP* Omg. Congrats. Holy moly. I love it so much!!

Extra stars for bon bons

Kinda makes me feel worse :(

This flaming shitpile of an administration hasn’t even started yet and I JUST FUCKING CAN’T I can’t do it. Like my insides are already numb and literally nothing will surprise me, I think. Evil racist to uphold the nation’s laws?? OH WHY NOT! Nothing matters and everything is a joke and this country is so horrifyingly

Gosh, thank you so much for this post. I can’t relate precisely to what you’ve said, but I felt it really deeply and it honestly soothed some pretty persistent worries I’ve been having lately. I’m happily married now, but it took two years of separation and deep, deep grief and coming mere moments from divorce to get

What were the Knowles sisters eating for breakfast growing up, and where can I get some?

Yes. It’s literally maddening. I wrote this somewhere else recently, but a couple months ago my family found out my brother fled the US because he is wanted for distributing child pornography. It was a tremendous blow, but he’s always been terrible. What’s been worse is hearing my mother tell relatives that he’s

Thank you. It’s been rough. ❤️

This brings me ALL THE JOY

That sounds so shitty and I’m sorry you had to waste time and energy being around her.

ugh beautifully said, thank you