
No one says that there’s no racists outside the south, they just control the state and local governments in the south.

I wanted it

I find this hysterical.

The rise of professional video gamers and the coverage of it (live on TNT, some e-league thing) makes me feel really old. Why would anybody watch somebody play Street Fighter etc.? I do not get it one bit.

I think those prices are still pretty high, imo.

I wish you had a subtitle before starting the article.

Maddie, you seem like a very nice, thoughtful lady.

Thanks detective, for your totally useless assumptions. Good work.

Good Lord.

The same assholes (we all know one’s like him) who spend most of their youth being a total asshole and then suddenly they “find God” and continue being a total asshole but this time claiming it’s God’s Will.

I enjoyed the Watchmen movie, especially the ending compared to the comics.

Are there any really politically progressive/leftist professional wrestlers of note (past or present)?

You’re in the denial phase. For me, that was late ‘04 through mid ‘05. Give the Cubs bros and media hyperbole some time. Everyone will hate you. And that’s okay.

Nothing against Cubs fans or players, but anything that brings the Ricketts clan happiness is bad.

Oh, right, the Cubs.

Yes, they are.

Maybe when he says “one of,” Marchman is referring to the fact that there are other good announcers in baseball and maybe some of those are also in Chicago? Maybe?

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Maybe if you knew what you were talking about you would realize that government hiring freezes end up costing more money in the long term, and a slower patent office hurts the economy which hurts revenue which also costs the government money.

Why on earth does it sound like that? Did you not see his budget outline that doesn’t call for overall spending cuts? On top of his proposed cuts to revenue, obviously he’s planning on doubling the national debt. He’s as much as said so.