
That’s so Cub of them to do.

#ThatsCub is terrible —#LetsWinTwo is the obvious one.

Go Scubs! — bandwagoners

#thatscub is bad and dumb. C’mon, guys, seriously? That’s the best you could come up with in a city with over half a million millenials? C’moooon.

What the fuck is your skin in the deal? Your shit-brained self isn’t even getting your GED, let alone into these schools.

Just start giving blood. After a couple of rounds you won’t be a big ol’ puss anymore. Besides you’re doing something good and you can keep running that through your head the first couple times to get you through.

The team that Renteria will march out this summer will make getting drunk on the El and stumbling into “The Rate” that much more entertaining.

Yeah; it wasn’t just younger siblings. I had a few friends who had one official controller and some janky-ass third party “turbo pad” or something like that.
I even tried one myself for the SNES that was supposed to mash the buttons for you. It had some blue flat pad for the D button, and you slid your thumb across it.

And you took him out of the greys. Why?


Started drinking early?

whoa, between Clinton and trump you think SHE’s more likely the pathological liar? Uncovered any child prostitution rings in restaurants lately?

Whatever helps you sleep at night, dumbass. Enjoy your sinking ship.

Seriously? Just drink some fucking wine already.

False, you remove it from the box so you just have the bag. Then you twist the bag to get more velocity.

Can’t imagine why...

The Pitching Couch

with a vinyl windshield cover still on

So, fuck this guy then. He got all the love when he died, but he would clearly have been guilty of manslaughter had he lived. He killed two people.

The lesson, as always: Don’t drink and do cocaine and then leave the bar and go drive your boat as fast as it goes.