
“His bosses sentences, when diagrammed, compose what I can only describe as the Lament configuration.”

Love it, keep moving forward. I would have loved if our country was smart enough to elect Elizabeth Warren but for now I’ll take Joe Biden surrounded by as many progressives as we can get. Maybe in my lifetime we can attain certain things, universal health care, affordable college, wage equality, wage equity that a

Steadily employed on a network tv show is hardly unlucky.

They may just want to prevent the franchise from getting so bloated that people who miss a few games no longer know who many of the characters are. Its like they want the Mario universe to always be something you recognize, no matter how long you’ve been away from gaming. Not defending, but that may be the reasoning

The franchise has grown so big at this point that keeping everything artistically in the same “universe” has become a bigger problem than a concept of story canon. Continually doing brand new character designs that depart significantly from those already in existence could eventually yield games that just don’t seem

The domino effect of white supremacy is a painful thing to have to continually witness and experience. To all the bootstrapper assholes who keep saying that the playing field is level, or better yet, that black people are the ones at an advantage, GFY.

That’s horrible. Sorry for your loss and the pain it caused. Its unfortunately way to common. I wish people that wanted to get physical about a disagreement would keep the guns at home. In my line of work (attorney) I have seen way to many nice kids and young adults throw away their victim’s life and their life for a

Thanks for sharing about the tragic and senseless death of your cousin. I’m no psychological expert, but you maybe suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder. It’s like a war came to your house, and you got spared but your cousin did not. I can’t imagine how hard that would be, especially when you had to explain how

Thanks for writing this.

I’m sorry you had this experience.

That’s a hoot because young workers bolt for greener pastures too all the time. Anyone will bolt for a better deal :-) I think they are trying to soften the blow to you. No offense, I’m sure you’d be awesome, given the chance. 

A big wank off basically 

And I’m the “conventionally book-smart” one in my own relationship — the one who (very unlike the bf) smashes standardized tests and has voluntarily read lots of Extremely Important Litt-rachoor — but bf is observant, insightful, clever, and can go brain-meltingly deep-dive on things he’s passionate about (music,

Which is why every instance of a prognostication failing to come true (which I believe is— *checks notes*— every single bloody one) just somehow manages to reinforce the credibility of the whole bullshit endeavor.

You can if the alternative is zero income. 

Yeah, it comes down to doing what it takes to get by. Is he just going to flip a switch after being out of school for 30+ years, in a largely non-technical career, and magically become a chemical engineer or database administrator in 6 weeks. But if you know that your old career isn’t coming back online anytime soon,

Absolutely. In lots of jobs your age doesn’t matter at all. I was recently speaking to someone in his 50s who lost his job and decided to become a septic service tech. He worked as an apprentice with an existing company for 12 months, making minimum wage, but after that set up on his own and is now doing extremely

YES to everything you said.

I agree. Take software for example. In the timeframe he’s been out of work to when he could start up again, he could easily become proficient in Python or Java.

I am of a contemporaneous age to be able say this: Bullshit you cant learn something new. I have been taking classes (while being a single mother and working full time and more) for damn near 20 years to improve and keep my skills current and saleable, and to say you can’t learn is total bullshit. I am not saying