
Missed a step: conflate statues of the slave-owning founding fathers, which we are only talking about, and statues of treasonous cowards who tried to overthrow the legitimate government of the US over the right to own human beings, which are the ones being torn down, because for some reason (racism) various states and

Im starting to see something way more clearly with Pompeo, who prepares what he says far more than his boss, but does the same thing.

Im not sure what you mean - in a hypothetical new game, introducing a new character as villain, sidekick, or npc adds dimension to that game and distinguishes the game from its predecessors. Otherwise every game is the same but for the maps, etc. New characters make it fun, or should.

It is.

Sure, I was more going for ‘well cast in the reboot of Superman that then sank like a rock”.

I got nothing. This is awful. We need to fix this shit, whatever it takes.

Why would they put this limit on?

“I am sorry, that is horrible” doesnt seem enough, but I am sorry, and it is horrible.

As an investment I can think of better places to put that kind of cash where I wont be sweating over internet price listings all day to see if the vanity pricing in the car market is going to screw me.

Yes. He will be playing with himself!

Brandon Routh would like a word.

It would surprise me if he himself invests millions.

Read Columbus own account of his time in the ‘new world’ in his published journals and then ask if we should celebrate him. Murder, rape, and enslavement were his stock in trade, which he details.

Its a loaded issue. Intelligence is not single faceted. I am way more educated than my wife and got better grades In college, but there is no effing way I would claim to be smarter than she is, not even to myself, because I am not.

For men of a certain age (ahem) these things scream ‘college’ and therefore have a sentimental appeal that cannot be shaken.


No, you cant, because I bought it already for $7,777!

Black Penis Day’ would be wildly popular in some circles, and despite being straight, cis and white, Id celebrate that before I celebrated Columbus day.

“Heres your cash!”

See, I am the idiot who would totally buy this thing and ruin his day.