
No, it does not - the author is highlighting how he got where he is *now* from the cesspit he came from, and dragging along an audience that loved the cesspit and wanted / expected more of the same. She then points out they did not get more of the same, but we saw Kimmel change.


I wonder if modern manufacturing like VW uses in their Wolfsburg facility might lower the cost of ‘a la carte’ options. Expensive then, but a lot has happened since. Not sure how widespread throughout the industry though.

That was the point at which I was willing to let his ‘Man Show’ crap go - because Im a man, andI remember the Man Show and thinking, ‘these two assholes are either genuine assholes or just want to make money for appearing to be assholes, so gtfo...’

They meant ‘The Office’ but Jez doesnt edit.

Assuming you are correct in terms of pricing, I concede the point. Looking at the pics of cars with all kinds of detail, it appeared to me that all else equal, those would take more time and effort and therefore be more expensive. If that is not the case, then my argument is wrong.

And kill many of them, plus lots of others who happened to be near them when they crashed. 

And if you dont, you go broke and still cant make the damn car! 

If you love wild stuff that much, buy something off the assembly line and have it painted. Its not hard, and given you dont seem too concerned about price, it would work.

“Oh, you dont like FUN COLORS? Pay up motherfucker...”

I think people just have different priorities. Any of the pictures you showed would add several thousand to the cost of a car, even the ‘came from the factory like this’ models.

I never thought the VW Harlequin existed, even when I stood next to one, in Germany, and listened to my host explain it to me. He had no sense of humor, and explained it rather like John Cleese explained sex in ‘The Meaning of Life’.

We were founded by crazy white religious nuts who were so godawful, their host countries shipped them to the ‘new world’ where they could enjoy religious freedom, which for them means persecuting anyone who does not share their beliefs.

I gut-shuddered reading this. Ours had a bar too.

Went twice. Once witnessed a white trash brawl between a bunch of moms there with their 3-5 year olds. The highlight was watching a woman with a kid on her hip squaring off and the poor teen staff trying to calm people while her colleague desperately called 911 despite threats from the trash.

I highly recommend you read som Dan Savage and follow his columns to material on Sub/Dom/BDSM.

Speculation: the writers get the equivalent of the pitch - “girl gets kidnapped by a violent mafiosa who *truly loves* her, and she tames his wild heart!” and then have to work out a path from here to there in however many days of writing they are allocated.

I am enough of an ‘old’ that Youtubers still strike me as at best c-grade reality show jackasses with no editing staff to help them get better, with a few notable exceptions.

I restrung my guitar but until daycare reopens, cant touch it.

Fun fact: from what my relative told me ~10 years ago, he would routinely save all his paperwork for end of shift, even if he had nothing to do, then go to his station house and type it up on a typewriter, and his union opposed computerization of such records because it would not allow ‘after shift overtime pay’