
They will point to the supreme court, gerrymandering, voter suppression and tax ‘reform’ and call it a win.

Sadly, it is not new - read the articles of secession for any of the slave states. They are very specific about the ‘why’. The whole ‘States rights/Northern aggression’ bullshit excuse came after the war. Even (Treasonous Loser) General Lee wrote about the phenomenon at the time. As we have seen time and again, if you

Seconded on the term change.

Fair point.

Modern history (last 100 years) has seen a steady increase in people no longer being able or (better) willing to close their eyes to the impact of history on our present circumstances. We still have a ways to go, but I am hopeful we do not go back to days when a slave-trading barbarian can have a nice monument to

That is heartening, but we still have several states that execute people.

Americans think, wrongly, it discourages people from committing violent crimes and, also wrongly, that ‘Eye for an eye’ is a solid ethical argument. We also prefer to spend huge amounts of money on death penalty prosecutions and appeals instead of on rehabilitating nonviolent criminals who will one day walk the

Which as I read it, is exactly what the majority argued. My snark was targeted at the dissenters, whose entire argument seems to be based on a very limited understanding of what ‘sex’ even meant - that the law should not follow the very definitions of the words it uses.

Yeah, that screamed ‘politicize the economy’ but as it sounded like that was his intent (and completely untenable) so I skipped to the Green New Deal bit, as funding that should not depend on *who* manages but rather on *how* it is managed which I am curious about.

How was it so easy to kick this officer out, yet so hard to kick out officers who actually, demonstrably commit manslaughter or murder?

Howie does well on what money is.

You are probably correct, but at this point, Ill take the (unanticipated) win.

Ive tried to read stuff Thomas posts (he rarely asks questions at orals, apparently, so gotta take what I can get), and its not word salad, its just when I am done, I cannot for the life of me restate how he got from A to B. I should be able to do so, assuming I am rational and literate (generally yes) and his writing

Ladies and gentlemen, look up ‘justice’ in our dictionary - you see, you cant find it because it is not rele... wait, never mind... THIS IS ABOUT WORDS, NOT JUSTICE DARN IT!

In all seriousness, I thought Gorsuch was qualified but flawed. His argument makes complete sense to not-a-lawyer me, and is also ‘the right thing to do’.

Are you suggesting that our understanding of the nuances of human biology, psychology and social structure change over time?

The problem is, Boomers trust everything, and the ‘youts’ trust nothing. There is a lotnof good sources of good information and insight out there, all it takes is some time and critical thinking skills to find, but enough people wont exert even a modicum of effort to think and research. And here we are.

And the catch is, sexual assault is so hard to prove in the legal sense, especially after a long period of time.

Four years in almost, and yet we still treat what they say as with the same weight as we treated earlier, competent administrations.

Never owned one, but was considering getting one in the very near future because they have gotten great reviews and I have kids who have gear and friends to haul around.