
Interestingly, this actually does offend 9 out of 10 Native Americans.

You are taking a national election poll, conducted during the primary, by Fox News seriously?

Attempted manslaughter would mean you were attempting to kill someone. Not that you were negligent in running a red light.


She’s going to have to be so careful and so perfect, it makes me nervous.

Ok. So don’t vote for Bill Clinton.

The only man to successfully play beer pong as a teetotaler.

Jim Cooke wins again.

Oh yum! Leftover salad.

Easy. Through nine starts, Kershaw has seven non-complete games.

So glad I got my dad’s genetics with regards to allergies in that I have none. Anytime they ask if I have allergies I reply “None that I know of” and laugh it off.

I think it was just a long way to ask for a gif party, honestly.

You don’t need to fork over $150 for rosetta stone EVER. Duolingo has much better results and is free!

Could be worse. I mean, blood clots aren't as devastating as the comet that wiped out the rest of his family sixty five million years ago.

I super-love Lester!

My preschooler was oddly prescient one time when Brian Williams was still anchoring and he (3 at the time), said “uh oh, where’s Lester Holt?”

Didn’t he have to do the Today Show once during a bad snowstorm, because he was the only one who lived close enough to walk. Team Lester. Now and forever.

I like David just fine, but Lester is the hardest working man in television news. He fills in for EVERYONE all of the time. Brian Williams is a lying liar who lies? Check. Matt Lauer needs another week off? Check. Something going on in Rome right this minute? Check. Stupid big market fill-in spots for morning news