
I quit halfway. Reading that book was like a punishment.

I've read both Franzen and Weiner. They are two very different authors, with very different styles. I personally prefer Weiner.

James surpassing J. K. Rowling as the most popular writer of all time on Amazon UK.

Celebratory gif parade

When I say 'f——t,' I mean it in a feminist way.

Mr. Sprig is good at a lot of things, but quickly calculating a tip isn't one of them. So now he just asks me what the tip should be. Everyone's happy:)

KATE. Please let us have this. We had a ROUGH loss to the Seahawks and just missed out on the Super Bowl. Most of us are still very raw.

Slap comedy done better.

Hip-hop, huh? Like urban?

Still in denial he's not gay.

Everything about this is table-flippy.

I feel like that's where my parents would be but OOPS I'M GAY.


Blue Ivy says to lay off the women finding financial independence through entrepreneurship.

Only an approved color. If you know what I mean.

I am from the upper Midwest myself, and I get a bit teary with pride at everything this woman writes.

All of the stars for you.

John Travolta is leaving home at 3 am to go to "the gym"?