
She didn’t say she doesn’t know who “she is”. She said she doesn’t know her whatsoever, which is less Mariah and more just honest.

Glad that there is no kiss. That would have meant more coverage in the media for these under-talented and over-hyped white men, who are also behind the curve on lots of social issues.

He’s never going to be destitute or homeless. Mummy and Charles would never allow it because it would make everyone else look bad. He might not be as wealthy as he used to be, but he can still hit Hermes or Ibiza or crash a Land Rover into some gates because he doesn't want to drive around to the main entrance, which

But no one has ever erased Chappelle. We need to stop calling it ‘cancelled,’ because - outside of comedians who have actually done things that qualify as sexual harassment or assault - they’re all still working and making a lot of money. They’re just getting criticized on social media - which as far as I can tell, is

Yes, it’s all about status for him.

If a tree falls but doesn’t get a Netflix special, can it truly be said to have fallen?

Yeah but he wants back in the public eye as if nothing happened.

And blissfully unaware of how the system around him benefits him at the expense of his wife.

He does have the freedom to say what he wants and he did say it. Freedom to say what you want doesn’t mean there are no consequences or opinions

But what’s the upside for the family in rehabilitating him?”

That’s what I thought too?!

I remember reading years ago while he was in the military he was regarded as an entitled prick and no one felt a sense of warmth or duty towards him beyond what was expected for his rank and protocol’s sake. For years the story was that he and Fergie would re-marry once Phillip was gone, I wonder if that’s a

I love how someone in Kensington tried to brief the media to get some easy PR for Workshy and still somehow managed to fuck it up.

I thought it was a pretty solid answer - he didn’t want to talk about it, he made that clear, and he was classy about it. I’m not sure what else you could want in a celebrity non-response.

If there is a grading scale for actors, and I would guess that there is, Ben should be higher then Mark. Mark is the same character min all movies.  Tom Cruise is the same in all movies. Ben tries to be different even if the acting is bad.  he tries at least.   

... you mean Adam Devine from the Pitch Perfect movies where he sings a whole lot?

Adam Devine was in the Pitch Perfect movies and can sing. 

Having actors do an accent is my least favorite translation convention. Imagine Chernobyl with everyone doing a Russian accent. If you’re not going to do it in the native language (which would be hard with medieval French even if you hired french actors) then just have the actors speak in their normal voices. It’s not

People have been calling her an attention whore since she writhed on the stage at the VMAs- this is what she does. It’s her brand. It’s like how you can count on Cher wearing a fishnet bodysuit and Dolly Parton to wear gravity defying wigs- Madonna is going to be overtly, physically sexual. Why change what’s worked

Regarding Johansson: I’d rather she get paid than Disney. If workers don’t get the money, employers do. People seem to forget that part. Same goes for professional athletes.