
Seriously, that line is unnecessary. I understand snark has always been a part of Jez, but this cruel attempt just seems lazy.

LI also leans red in a lot of pockets. Zeldin is my rep and there were a lot of Trump flags around here during the 2020 election. 

Do people consider this a new thing? I’m almost 40 and this has been a normal part of my family tradition since before I was born, I’ve seen pictures of my dad and his smash cake on his 1st birthday. I think the new part is parents paying a ridiculous amount of money for a photo shoot. Seems like a waste of money, but

Yup, she’s an asshole and will burn the place down if she doesn’t get what she wants. And I’m sure “the bodies” have more to do with higher ups at CBS protecting Les Moonves. She’s not going to go after insignificant people associated with the show, she’s going to target the network folks who will make sure she gets

“Grace” is such an amazing album.  I listen to it constantly.

It is kind of impressive that he pisses off everyone, regardless of where they sit on the political spectrum.

I suspect few people here will get this reference, but it made me smile.

Trump’s not trying to win over more voters because the plan is to invalidate the results of the election and try to steal it.  And his performance during the debate is exactly what his base wants to see.

I got a chuckle from the idea that Smith Point was part of the Hamptons.

Hair salons in NY that are trying to stay afloat at lowered capacity while also dealing with the increased costs and stress associated with all of the new state regulations for COVID-19.

Yeah, this is a movie you see once and never, ever watch again.

Pursuing these lawsuits is such an odd choice for him. If his motivation is to protect/repair his reputation from the divorce, it is backfiring.

Yes, Daveed Diggs is phenomenal! I think LMM knows he’s not the strongest performer, but his ego didn’t stop him from casting amazing talent for the other roles. He seems to truly be in awe of the other performers when they are killing it. 

I saw Javier play the role and can confirm he was sexier. The number with Mariah Reynolds was more steamy!

I watched an interview back in 2016 with LMM, possibly from PBS, and he admitted he is not a strong vocalist. That’s why all of the “meatier” songs are for other characters.  

Staten Island is mostly Republican, and it also has a lot of FDNY and NYPD families living there. They are seeing the impact of this virus with their own eyes, I think that’s why they are taking this so seriously.

Ugh, it was terrible. I stopped watching about half way and haven’t seen the rest of the season or the reunion. I watch silly reality TV to escape real world shit, don’t need to watch it happen to other people as entertainment.

Agreed. This virus seems to spread rather quickly and silently. There may be regions that don’t have a high number of confirmed cases, but that doesn’t mean no one is sick. Most regions are already impacted, they don’t know it yet. And the ones that aren’t, will be very soon.

The most calm I feel each day is the small period of time between Cuomo’s daily update and the press conference from the White House.  Maybe tomorrow I will be smarter and not watch Trump try to give himself a blow job in front of the entire nation during an unprecedented global pandemic.