GreyOne [This_one_was_called_Spr0ckets]

I mean there’s a pretty simple solution to all these billionaires in their private airplanes that don’t want their plane’s tracking information publicized:-.....

>>>”She wasn’t fired from Lucasfilm, they decided to not renew her contract. Can’t imagine that fact makes it any easier for her to sue them.”

I mean, theycould just cut out the middle-man and just pay her what they would have paid as legal fees and save everyone (else) time and money here.

Was she fired though?

She wasn’t fired.

She wasn’t fired.

Except she wasn’t even fired.

Sue them for what?

I mean, as long as Congress and the Social Media companies continue on this delusion that Silicon Valley can responsibly self-regulate and don’t need govt. oversight then this was and is always going to happen.

Responsible to whom?

In this case,....

You need to learn the Law (as it’s CURRENTLY written) and how it works before commenting on this.

If that kid is not yours and was not meant to be there (i.e. your backyard....a.k.a. your property), no you won’t (face a lawsuit).

>>>>”About 70 percent of the country thinks abortion should be legal in the first trimester. If you think that position, all by itself, qualifies one as being pro-choice, then OK. But support for legal abortion drops to 37% for the second trimester and 22% for the third.”

>>>>Haley’s a very mainstream Republic, and Chappelle and Gillis don’t seem to be conservative at all, strictly speaking.”

>>>”>>>>Look, I broadly agree with Yang’s views on the world, certainly more so than Nikki Haley’s. But Haley is broadly representative of views about half the country hold on abortion and trans issues.”

Her campaign manager

“Please make an order or move on. Other people are waiting to be served.

>>>>”The three Guardians movies are still the top of the Marvel”

Again,....what is the crime here?