GreyOne [This_one_was_called_Spr0ckets]

I can’t imagine that Hughie has Ninja-training on how to crawll throught ducts stealthily and soundless.”
I thought the entire reason Hughie stayed there in the first place was he knew Homelander would hear him if he tried to crawl away.
Meanwhile, being air vents, his scent should have been blowing directly down onto

::sees reply from dipshit::

I’m beginning to think the poor lil’ guy isn’t terribly bright. 

The Boys was a comic book by Garth Ennis satirizing superhero tropes. It’s not simply a “funhouse mirror of Marvel and DC” and no, Garth Ennis is not a Trump supporter as obviously neither is Kripke. Ennis is Irish. I actually can’t think of a respected comics writer or showrunner who is. If you’re a Trump fan and

If it helps, you’ve thought about this to a far greater degree than that absolute moron, who prefers his gruel (now in “Performative Outrage” flavor!) to be bottle-fed to him like informational Enfamil.

Because I’m not replying to that dipshit directly (IQ prereqs and all that), as if you needed confirmation, yep. You are 100% correct, and this kid is 100% an absolute dipshit.

Dude is an actual, dipshitted child. *Maybe* 21-y-o, and if not, holy SHIT he should be embarrassed.

Imagine thinking Nazi’s are still a thing, while the youth of the Democratic Party chants for the death of Jews in the street.”

Anyone who uses the term “TDS” unironically is not a serious person. An idiot, if you will. 

That’s ok, bucko, you obviously have missed some things but that’s ok because you’re just a lil guy! Hopefully when you grow up you’ll understand what’s going on. For now, you’ll probably want to stop talking about grown up stuff and focus on coloring inside the lines.

Who the fuck has tried to cancel or even cared about Eminem for the last decade and change?

Eminem is pretty much Trey Parker and Matt Stone in music form at this point.

Perhaps. But Snoop has also been able to keep his brand alive for all these decades without resorting to desperate right-wing pandering, which is more than we can say for Eminem.

Total disagree. Falcon and the Winter Soldier was much more awesome than it wasn’t and I’ll go down defending it until my dying day. It’s handling of race was definitely interesting and more nuanced than anything to date in the MCU (more Ezekial Bradley, please!), the characters were interesting and deepened

It’s so exhausting to see practically every rich famous white guy who reaches a certain age adopt these same tired tropes about “wokeism” simply because they amuse themselves with it and assume that everyone will be just as amused. It’s old, it’s unoriginal, and it’s the #1 sign that someone has become out of touch

Ha, that headline came to mind for me as well. What’s funny is that he doesn’t even really say anything outrageous in the song in the first place. Like, what’s of note here: a couple of hacky trans jokes that felt like light jabs at worst, the usual tired celebrity references, and... a participation trophy reference

Going back to my youth, the Onion had a story that stuck with me headlined

Em is overrated and been washed. And this song is hot trash 

This is a crazy take. I believe they’re in the process of getting everyone back for Secret Wars. How many times did Jackman say he was done forever? Did anyone expect to see Maguire’ play spider-man again?

FINALLY the Rock has come BACK to the political center!