
I’ve had sex in less time than Ledecky’s margin of victory. And just like the Olympics, it happens once every 4 years.

That chart also represents my Pokemon Go usage before and after the removal of every kind of tracking available on the game and on outside sources.

The Iliad don’t got shit on this post holy fuck

We, gentlemen of the west, don’t sexualize and exploit young teenage girls in showbiz.

Yeah but that’s exactly who cares about games like this. It’s like taking all the crosses off the walls in a church and getting a bunched of angry Christians complaining.

It’s Death “Standing”. . . For 12 years. :(

Today I learn that I dress like barbie

He will, and it’ll be because of a super important reason and we’ll feel ashamed about it.


You can use your PC for managing your Vita...even do it wirelessly.

Hey this is Apple. They banned Civil War focused apps because they had the Confederate Flag in them.

You know it’s always close to my heart. And my way-too-low-cut bikini pants.

> (By the end of that message board thread, Lipschultz had been banned from NeoGAF.)

Yeah but it’s 2015 now. Guys are no longer allowed to like the female body anymore. Not publicly at least.

How come NISA/XSeed/Idea Factory/Atlus and so on can do physical releases for niche as hell games that dont sell very much but big bad Nintendo of America cant?

You can’t stream BMX XXX? Whatever will the 11 people who bought that game do?!?

“Ole Miss fan Found with ALL 32 TEETH.”