
Tell that to Pqube who wasted a ton of time and money localizing Omega Labyrinth Z to have Sony cancel it after they had finished it. What happened to the original agreement with Sony and Pqube? Why didnt Sony tell them from the start they couldn’t sell that game on Playstation? 

“Censorship is okay when its something I don’t like” 

That would be fine and dandy if Sony was telling the publishers up front what is or isnt allowed instead of waiting until the game is already completed and ready to be released to tell them “No you have to take this out” Western and Eastern publishers are both saying that they have no idea what the specifics of Sony’s

So are you guys gonna report on Sony censoring ganes globally too at some point? The American branch of Sony forcing developers to censor their games in Japan to censor their games and correspond with them in english seems like a big deal

Perhaps if a game like Dream Daddy gets censored they’ll care.

Thank God Sony is protecting me from seeing anime girls in bikinis while letting me see prostitute sex in RDR2. 

How about that Sony America censoring games in Japan thing huh? That seems like it would be a good story eh Stephen?

An extra terabyte to store your censored games on? I’m still waiting to see Kotaku address Sony’s new censorship stance. You guys had no trouble writing about when Steam did the same shit a few months back.

Would you be fine if Sony decided that all videogames released in America had to go through an Australian ratings board?

Mike are you or anyone else gonna write anything up about the reports of Sony America forcing censorship on Japanese games in Japan now? It seems like it would be relevant to you of all people

Not that it matters to me since I pirate all my anime anyways but I have a hard time trusting Sony with anything as of late perhaps they want to use Funimation to “cleanse” all the naughty parts from the animes and crunchyroll wasnt on board. 

NoA did the game absolutely zero favors when they went censor happy during the end of the Wii U’s lifespan. 

Those sneakers are hideous. Im gonna need Sony to censor them for me and everyone else. 

So now everyone has to pay full price for their games just so others can get pre-order their AAA tripe through Amazon? Who is the winner here besides Sony and Amazon of course.

I cant wait to see how they manage to monotize literally fucking everything with this service

A use for drones is hunting down players in the VIP hunt CEO mission. Since you can send the drone in unnoticed and blow it up when you find the target. 

The real reason these kill barriers are there is actually because people have found out ways to duplicate their cars by getting out of bounds believe it or not. People can then sell those cars to buy all the expensive new toys in the game

Sony meanwhile is shying away from anything that isnt Triple A Conematoc masterpiece 

The lesson to take away from here is that not every game has to pander to a “wider audience” 

Bethesda really doesnt though. Since Legends is gonna be on every other platform and phones if someone with a PS4 really wants to play it they probably have a phone or computer to play it on instead.