I’m assuming Sony has some sort of deal with developers where the devs are allowed to have their trailer posted to the official Playstation youtube channel no matter how shitty the game might actually be or look.
I’m assuming Sony has some sort of deal with developers where the devs are allowed to have their trailer posted to the official Playstation youtube channel no matter how shitty the game might actually be or look.
I’m assuming Sony has some sort of deal with developers where the devs are allowed to have their trailer posted to the official Playstation youtube channel no matter how shitty the game might actually be or look.
Bonesaw’s Jak run was the most entertaining run at SGDQ by far and I was really dissappointed to find out they banned him. Come on if you cant have fun at the very late hours of the night when only the really dedicated people are watching what can you do?
So they sold out all 12 of them?
I’m not a Pharmercy fan but that ship came out of the two of them working really well together in gameplay.
Plotwise at the start of the game she was wearing a normal outfit but she was tossed into a prison wearing it and forced to do nothing but fight monsters for a year. Her outfit is actually nothing but the shreds of her original outfit that she was wearing ahen she got tossed in prison.
During the Christmas period I picked up a cheap Rock Band 4/Rivals bundle for $40 and was reunited with all my old songs from the previous generation. Now Miku is swooping in with her Jpop to steal me away from all my classic rock.
The only achievement that I would actually care about is the number of people actually playing a game. This just reads to me as the number of people who have steam auto start on computer bootup and leave it running in the background
NoA will tone down the spookiness
I’m waiting for Wii U hacking to get on the level that 3DS is and then I’m going to town.
Someone on another site suggested that its probably due to licensing contracts expiring or somethibg of that nature like what happened with Marvel vs Capcom a few years back.
Ok but when does Mercy step on me?
I dont particularly have any sort of line for fan service. I’ll pretty much watch whatever as long as the plot or characters keep me interested
What channel were you watching? They were running Jindal/Kennedy attack ads all the time.
I’ve only bought Overwatch Lootboxes one but I got more Gold items out of those 10 boxes than I did out of the 100 or so free boxes I had earned myself
i recently havked my 3DS a couple weeks ago. Since then its actually gotten more use than it haas in the past 3 years. I actually consideered buying a New 3DS over Black Friday just to hack that too. The only thing that sstopped me was Nninttendo’s artifficial scarcity bullshit keeping me from buying onee
I’m never not gonna be mad about Lily Bergamo getting cancelled.
According to all these articles I keep reading about Castro repressive dictatorship isnt that bad. Where could millenials have gotten that idea?
I was rather dissapointed with PDX and felt like it was a step down from PDF and 2nd. Future Tone coming along for far cheaper than it costs to import it is fantastic news
TMS was localized by Atlus under NoA’s “supervision” Atlus’s PR guy at one point tweeted in response to someone asking that yes all those content changes were NoA’s decision and not theirs