I always wanted to strap a toaster to my face to watch Netflix
I always wanted to strap a toaster to my face to watch Netflix
Are people still butthurt about Hatred? For all the shock value that games reveal created the actual game was way too fucking corny for me to take seriously.
The first game was just way too repetetive for me. The levels just got progressively longer and longer with endless waves of reinforcements and nonstop button mashing going on for hours. I couldnt be bothered anymore.
Can’t wait to only ever play the final destination variant of it. :^)
too lewd for Kotaku.
Almost instantly, “Hot Ryu” became a “boyfriend” character.
Now fix Vita Netflix damn it
The robot machine gun arm seems super OP to me with its insane accuracy and damage 9/10 matches I play the MVP is someone using it.
The game feels a whole lot like Destiny to me. It doesnt help that a lot of the “Specialities” are pulled straight from Destiny’s light attacks.
if you have Netflix go watch Bojack Horseman. Its so good.
I’ll get right on it once my DS battery decides it wants to last for more than 2 hours.
The what?
Its not as bad as watching Runescape
The photo of her they used on the Xbox version is much better than the one on the PS4 version
And yet, it’s a PC game. One that the creators are completely open to being modded. While you can edit rosters at the moment, a pending update plans to add “full mod support”. Which will mean tweaks, and fixes, and improvements, but also something more important to long-suffering NFL fans: the chance to rebuild the…
Yes there is.
I’m gonna build a PC one day and use it to play my japanese browser game about WW2 ships as cute girls.
Mostly Ar nosurge+
PSN was down? I didnt notice. Too busy playing JRPGs on my Vita.
Ar nosurge Plus: Ode to an Unborn Star — Vita