
This story ran recently on Spain's Telecinco 5. It's about Tokyo's fashion culture, and seems to be little more than a combination of a "Haha Japan is weird" story and an advertisement for a new book called Tokyo Adorned, which looks at "Tokyo's fashion tribes".

But are enough people gonna watch it to justify the investment?

Late last year, the media company Fuel Entertainment got exclusive rights from the Alamogordo city council to go digging for the landfill. Now partnered with Microsoft's Xbox Entertainment Studios and LightBox Entertainment, Fuel is finally going to put all the crackpot theories to the test.

Remember the Xbox One reveal? There was a lot of talk about TV, wasn't there? Now Microsoft's new console is out and all that TV-centric chatter has died down. But there's a lot of work happening to produce and deliver original shows directly to Xbox users. Microsoft clearly wants Xbox Live to become the next Netflix.

My original plan for today's Saturday Morning Stream was to play Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F on my PlayStation 3. Then my PlayStation 3 killed itself. Titanfall it is!

I LOVE this game! It's just so pure evil as you lure those innocent adventurerers into your castle, Make them chase you to the torture chamber, Launch them into an electric chair, launch them out of the chair, hit them with a swinging axe mid air, and then knock them into a guillotine.

I'm really a rather anti-social person IRL so tweeting and streaming and so forth never really appealed to me. I've got a PS4 but only have AC4 and Infamous on it. I'm still having too much fun with my PS3 and Vita and all the stuff thats still coming out for it this year and next.

Check out what Idea Factory did. They've started up their own international branch to localize their own games (maybe games from others too) and even report news about what they're doing in Japan.

Lets celebrate with a bag of Xbox Live Funyuns

Did I strike a nerve?


Funny enough I work at a sam's club and since cod ghosts came out until earlier this month we were running the cod ghosts trailer on all our tvs. When titanfall came out we started running that trailer but now after only a week or so we've pulled it and went back to running movies on the tvs

Thanks 4chan. Keep tumbling down.

You must be playing something else. I didnt have any of those issues. The worst it got was that the shadows near some of the bonfires were a bit jaggy

Alright tell me how vanilla PC Skyrim is any different. If the game needs the users to fix it before it can be good then there is clearly something wrong with it

Yes that was the joke.

I'd be mad too if my 360 controller was missing the guide, start, and select buttons.

I'm afraid its a product of never buying into hype for anything. I never expect much from video games.

You missed the implication.