The other thing is that the title of the game is a pun in and of itself.
Escha & Logy ~ Eschatology
The other thing is that the title of the game is a pun in and of itself.
Escha & Logy ~ Eschatology
Why would it be?
Atelier Escha (PS3)
Phil if were gonna make this work I'm gonna need a photo of you in oversized winter wear pushing a wheelbarrow. Then I need everyone else to start photoshopping
so if you lived in Germany and imported a version of the game that isnt censored would you be breaking the law?
"Support for new Xbox One accessories." They say: "Xbox One now supports the recently announced Xbox One stereo headset and adapter, Xbox One media remote with a dedicated OneGuide button, as well as third party headsets."
The game has equal opportunity fanservice for fans of both genders. and if it makes you feel better the artist for the particular game I linked above is this guy.
well maybe if the good folks at Kotaku and other game sites actually acknowledged their existence they wouldn't be so obscure.
Why not make a gay protagonist but not make it glaringly obvious that he is? Be subtle about it in the game and let the player figure it out.
Hey it doesnt matter what you draw as long as your a good artist. The artist for Valkyria Chronicles was (still is?) a hentai doujin artist. Of course as part of his contract he isnt actually allowed to draw pornographic images of characters from that series so dont be expecting any "official" Valkyria Chronicles…
I might be wrong but don't games like CoD and Battlefield sorta act like propaganda for the military? You know with the whole look at all this cool shit we have MURRIKA FUCK YEAH SAVING THE DAY plots in a lot of the shooters? You would think the republicans would want more violent games like that.
but can he beat half man, half skeleton?
I can already tell you its going to be Tales of Xillia 2
Demon's Souls
While censorship sucks I'm glad it gives Matt and Trey the ability to insert some snark about it.
Speaking of controllers I actually got the chance to hold an Xbox One controller today and I gotta say it feels... awkward. The most obvious change is that the battery pack is no longer jutting out but there was something else about it that I cant quite put my finger on that made it feel uncomfortable in my hands.
come on I'm sure you guys could dig up a more flattering picture than that