
Does this mean I can finally watch Game of Wieners on my PS3?

I pointed this out last night but my issue here is that it just seems really redundant. Having to turn on your Xbox in addition to your cable box just seems like a waste of electricity. The thought of playing your PS4 through the Xbox seems amusing t first but then it just gets annoying having to turn on both consoles.

Midnight? Why cant we have it at 10ish am like all the other reviews?

Wheres the "Get shit localized" stage? I know its region free and I can import if I want to but why not try and get some of those Jap only games over here.

I think eSports is getting a bit out of hand at this point.

Oh boy does this mean we can pull out the Xbox huge jokes again?

Let us know when they announce the Brack Friday Bunduru.

Hideo Kojima appearance with announcement and new trailer for MGS5.

I lost my shit when Kaz showed up.

The problem isnt that the wobble is minor. Its that it exists and pokes at my OCD.

Game installs and save data were two separate files on the PS3 so you could delete a game while still keeping the save data if you ever wanted to download it again. I imagine its the same on PS4.

The headphone jack alone is the best part of the controller sonce I dont need to go buy a $100+ headset.

Are you implying that people have a fetish for hardware manuals? Cause I wouldnt know anything about that.

Tales of Hearts R is at the top of my wishlist.
Veperia PS3 would be nice too but I've already imported it

And I'm racing while I watch the activity feed.

I luckily never had a problem with consoles dying from overheating. I did have a problem with my original phat PS3 sounding like a jet engine whenever I played it for more than 10 minutes at a time. I don't regret trading it out for a much quieter slim PS3 at all.

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought of it.

I eat sleep drink and breathe tin-foil. I'll take 20.

People were mad when the TSA did it. Why shouldn't they be mad when Kinect does it?