
My childhood was bullshit.

Lightbridge Fight Academy has a nice ring to it.

He already had two children.


Until later!

I waited on her once at a restaurant once and there was a lot of shoulder patting... didn’t wash the shirt for like a year.


“Luann danced alone with a cigarette, yelling, “My next single should be called ‘Don’t Be Such a Bitch.

yes and yes

“Oh, I couldn’t possibly get into all that right now,” she said, patting me on the face as she walked away. “But they were fabulous,” she called over her shoulder.

I love how low-budget the whole video is. This is like the “music videos” my friends and I would pretend to be in while at the lake in the summer. The camera work is A+.

I’m guessing Colin Farrell really is okay with being single, because that guy could get laaaaaaaaaaaaaaid. Seriously, I’ve heard first-hand accounts from two different people, and he got full, enthusiastic thumbs-up from both women. Man ain’t afraid of the kitty-cat.

“I do not believe mothers and daughters should be separated.”

Yay! So happy to see some Korean products featured!

The problem isn’t that she’s wrong, or that people are trying to change her beliefs. They’re trying to convince her (via a SUPREME COURT mandated order) to do the job she was hired for and is funded via taxpayers’ money.

That’s really beside the point. I don’t think anyone’s goal is to get her to change her mind. The goal is to get her to issue marriage licenses as her job requires or go away.

“Go Po”s?

Bullshit. They would have found something else to bitch about. I mean, considering how little this fucking matters, and they’re STILL managing to make a big deal out of it, I frankly don’t think any theoretical headaches could have been saved.

I’m sure you’re doing alright! But I'm pretty sure don't marry that guy.