
On this edition of Face Swap, who wore it better?

He’s a jackass on the level of Donald Trump. Granted, that’s not an easy thing to achieve.

My favorite tweet: @McConaughey says ‘wrap it up Kanye’

Is that dress making anyone else want to watch Aahhh! Real Monsters?

I would not be able to stop obsessing over how I smelled

Glad it wasn’t just me. This is all I could see:

My weiner dog has spots like a seal....which is kind of like a water pig in a way. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah-WEINERS RULE!

That tongue! Those stumpy legs! Could this be any more perfect?!

This is just what I needed before I head into work (yes, on a Sunday).

That is very compassionate, thank you. I sort of ignored the whole fact that she is a victim when I blacked out and saw red at what she was saying.

I’m glad you found a good therapist. I know that isn’t easy.

Couldn’t agree more. Her 20s have aged ME, frankly.

Are you drinking it iced? If so, you could cold brew. You just mix the water and coffee grounds in a container, leave overnight in the fridge and then drain into a different container (through a colander and I sometimes use a paper towel.) I do 3 cups coffee and 14 cups water and it lasts over a week.

I was being tongue-in-cheek, but I definitely think consistently reading Jezebel has exacerbated the issue for me. That said, I don’t want to be one of those people who avoids the news because it’s uncomfortable or depresing.

I have experienced this. Perhaps it comes as one gets older? As I have become more aware of just how much violence is experienced in the world, I have become increasingly paranoid. As you say, I don’t want to view all men as potentially violent monsters. But the chances that I will encounter one in my lifetime is

I really don’t know what these people were expecting from inviting Lindsay Lohan. She WILL wear white to your wedding and she WILL make it all about herself.

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

If someone gunning down 20 little kids didn’t change the gun laws nothing will. Sad but true.