
Given that you just clicked on this post and took the time to type a comment about them on a gossip blog, apparently not.

When four people testify in direct contradiction to what Owen Labrie claimed happened, DNA evidence existed and a physical exam came back consistent with rape and he still gets acquited of all the major charges, that shows you just how seriously America takes rape. For rich, white guys that is.

Uh, no. It’s not like, well over here we have a pile of our American dollars. That funds our cruelty-free products. Over here, we have our Chinese yuan. Those fund our animal testing. It’s not that she doesn’t want to end up with an eye shadow that was tested on an animal. It’s that MAC has had a policy of not testing

You do not want to know and I’m not kidding.

RuPaul I can barley see from all the

I know this is not the point of the article, but MAN they really tried to shoehorn that acronym in. That is one clunky acronym. If you have to try that hard to make an acronym work, guys, it's okay if you just call your program Prosper by itself.

Between the Gawker article comments on Men Who Kill and this study, I think I’m done for the day.

Kris Jenner’s existentialism clearly rubbed off on Kim.

I think it would be kind of neat and weirdly fitting if we found out that Kris was super into existentialism. If she just decided that the world is a meaningless and absurd place and since everything is transitory she can make her own life mean what she wants it to and somebody handed her some Kierkegaard or Sartre

A shitty cake delivered by a shitty mom? Meh, I'm betting a lot of people have had birthdays like this

Bout time AB aimed her apparently limitless vitriol/bile at someone who deserves it.


“Courtney Stodden looks amazing as always,”

please read all of Demi Adejuyigbe’s tweets about last night’s Taylor Swift show ( a small sampling below)

Kat Dennings sounds like someone who did not live in the 90s.

wow, i did NOT realize that character was based on a real person! that is so scary.

Yeah...they based that character on him and still lie about it publicly to this day. Probably since he spiraled into depression very soon after that crap aired.

Oh, Snooki :(