To be fair, we do discriminate pretty bad against people that beat women.
To be fair, we do discriminate pretty bad against people that beat women.
Disapproving outward showings of racism? Tsk. And you call yourself SEC.
The writer’s strike was really apparent in it. The worst offender is “Let’s go to the bad guy secret base! BTW, the walls have cells in them that are super explosive. Just thought I’d mention that for no reason at all.”
Seems harsh, but that is what is says here on the card.
Seriously. Misrepresenting corporate structure is the downfall of many a stand-up routine.
My favorite bit was the outrage caused by his jokes. He did the bit about getting the best talent. “If you want Tom Cruise, don’t settle for Jude Law.” Sean Penn (I believe) was seething when he got up to the front and felt compelled to defend Jude Law.
Ice cream kid dropped a few pounds, but it is good to see he’s still up to the same antics.
Actual factual lulz
“What evidence do you have of SMU encouraging diversity in its student body?”
I’m sure we’re all VERY surprised how eager these guys were to participate in a white out.
I already want to fast forward 30 years to read some sophomore’s research paper on baseball that incorporates all this. “No, it’s true. I found some ancient writings talking about it by some guy named Cornelius Deadspin.”
It’s the post-rape behavior of Baylor that was really the focus of the Texas Monthly piece and is somehow being ignored for the dispute about who was told what when.