
And Obama’s signature looks like a baby T-Rex playing with a ball of yarn.

They’re muslims so thats literally the last thing they would take credit for.

I know big game hunters are an easy target of hated and we all rejoice in their comeuppance.

I’m just going to post my comment verbatim from the Fusion post on this yesterday. The tl;dr version is that under our immigration laws you can’t simply “issue a visa” to someone fleeing harm, which sucks for the Chechens and makes everything more difficult.

Without viagra, they’d all be at half mast anyway.

How does this mug look in the mirror and see the superior race?

So that guy looks in the mirror and thinks that he’s superior? Interesting.

Looks like we’ve found another outstanding example of the Master Race’s physical and intellectual perfection who is worthy to stand alongside Steve Bannon.

It really does go too far. Because only one of them is assured of health insurance in the event.

It wasn’t a regulation height hoop :)

I’ve been to naturalist resorts before, and while it’s amazingly free to walk around naked, there are a whole HOST of activities that are overwhelmingly uncomfortable naked. I played basketball and every time I went in for a layup I swore my tits were going to get caught in the net.

in the long run it may even get him farther than his degree

Take me out at the ballgame...

This incident might Mcgwire more investigation.

Uh... Being St. Louis I don’t think it was white people who were shooting...

what an unmusial occurrence...

Looks like they blew the special effects budget on a Snapchat mustache filter.

Exclusive footage of you reading this blog when you didn’t have to.

A guy who always watches you, breaks into your house while you’re sleeping and gives kids gifts to make them trust him?