
last player was probably under the bridge he was on but you never know with PUBG!

That’s a good boy

in what way/ways has it improved your life?

Jerry ‘Happy’ Meals

see #11

‘During any given play session, your odds of ending up in one are pretty low..’

You are correct, my bad. It is still a minimal amount of weed to find on a suspected drug dealer, in which police spend two months of surveillance on..

They were EXTREMELY wrong for sure.

It’s national Pi Day(3.14), so clearly they must appeal to the masses of people that are celebrating.

It’s Hunger Games but a video game. I couldn’t be more stoked. It looks awesome!

At the 1:17 mark pretty sure you hear a fan saying ‘surely, that clock is broken’ ?

She should be facing sentencing along with anyone else who knew about this ongoing assault. Why doesn’t this get the same treatment and investigation by the FBI or whoever, as the sandusky shit?

‘Get in the fucking box, this is my fucking pitch mother fucker’

Barry Bonds. SHOCKER I know.

Joey bats should stick to flippin bats

Not really a question, more of a statement...

The Derrick Rose of the NFL

He has so much respect for the troops that he can’t attend a dinner with them...

everyone is invited

If you are taking orders, I’ll have an old fashioned please. I am sure that his presence was not missed at the dinner.