
Mark Chmura sexually assaults teenagers. How many Black players have done that?

Yo, people have slept with their dogs since humans and dogs started living together, mostly because space was tight and dogs are a good source of heat (that’s where the phrase “3 dog night” comes from — a night so cold you need 3 dogs in your bed to warm you up). This is not a new phenomenon in the slightest.

Ray Lewis is a complicated figure probably a murder, or best case, a guy who helps people commit murders.

Eh, I was mostly being cheeky there. I don’t really give a shit, this just reminded me of so many student papers I just finished grading, where people in their early 20s act like they have some great life wisdom because they’ve now noticed things are different for adults than for kids.

Ah yes, the world weary writer bravely into her 20s, reflected on all the hard-earned wisdom that can only come from such a wizened sage. Is this why everyone hates millennials? I think this is why everyone hates millennials.

You’re correct on your analysis and I am very much stealing the term “Brunch Belt”

As someone who grew up in NW Iowa and bolted for the Twin Cities as soon as I was able, this is exactly correct

This second video needs more love

Would that I had more than one star to give you

Dude, utmost.

If you’re trying to not look like an asshole, I’d suggest citing literally anyone other than Hitchens.

Cool. Hope she loves knowing you think she’s a dumb bitch!

There’s no accepted “official” English transliteration. So while Ohtani had been the best guess about how to render the name in English, he’s recently clarified that he spells it without the H, and some news outlets are picking up on that faster than others.

FOH with this sexist bullshit. Here’s a tip: if you think the woman in your life hates you for no reason, it’s not because she’s irrational, it’s because you’re a fucking asshole.

It’s gotten to the point where if you’re a disingenuous racist, you’re perceived as some kind of disingenuous racist, and calling people exactly what they are is not helping at all.

This week?

The next David Brooks column will be about how both his taxi driver and the guy who made his sandwich for lunch don’t cotton to this Fleming guy.

Well, there’s evidence it’s sexist, there’s no evidence MLB knows what they’re doing. But I’m sure they enjoy you licking their boots. How much they pay for that?

Ah yes, the ol’ “if a business did it, it’s automatically and obviously correct.” Didja know that sometimes people are wrong? Like, MLB could be not correct about potential sales here? It’s not like we lack for examples of MLB using poor judgement in the past.

Re: ATM errors — it happened to me once! Back in college on a machine that dispensed both 5s and 20s I tried to withdraw $25, but it gave me $40 instead. I looked it up and it turns out 5s and 20s are basically the exact same size to the nearest fraction of a millimeter or whatever and machines that have to figure out