or: how i stopped worrying and learned to love the sport pepper

O’Reilly’s also recommends Lucas as the most relevant Racing Oil one should use in a Tesla

We have a lot of scrappers like that in Chicago. I respect the hell out of them - it’s a tough job that pays little, and they help keep our alley clean of large debris. The guys are usually super nice, and it’s cool seeing a 1996 Tacoma out-haul a new F150 with a leather bed liner.

Admittedly, I haven’t seen this episode yet, or any of the episodes, really, but did they ever explain why everyone is dressed like they’re in a Western?

She looks exhausted.

Four years ago, my daughter was considering Cal Poly Pomona. She was admitted into their engineering program. She had decided on a different school, but she’s graduating in 3 days. If she had gone to Pomona, she would have been walking in the same commencement as this guy and his pillow which I would have been

Wow, Kevin Durant is really sensitive about his gruyere derriere.

Wrigleyville-ish. I can see the Vic. Say no more.

Since more than 90% of our readers own private jets (estimated)

So, on official review, it was determined that it was not a vote.

Godspeed, Ed. Here’s hoping you and Mrs. Ed are having a swell time.

My best, Ed

Did they get it from a Tim Hortons in Langley?

The spirit of Tomsula lives on.

Hey man, it’s all good. There’s a reason we have Maureen.

I have to assume that the NHL, as a multi-billion dollar concern, has some say over who can advertise on their broadcasts.

I think you’re just paving the way for more puns in this article.

Looks like tensions are ramping up.

Am engineer, can confirm, math checks out.