Today in spelling: the difference between “Apart” and “a part”
Today in spelling: the difference between “Apart” and “a part”
Is a street legal version in the works?
I don’t suppose Defector will expand into other verticals...
I updated mine to
The flame retardant is red to hide the blood!
In case anyone was unclear, this “stick to cars” is a sarcastic commentary on the “stick to sports” edict that annihilated Deadspin and has lead to such an immense staff turnover at this website. If you think that Jalopnik should stick to cars, please take this moment to punch yourself in the face as hard as…
I clicked all the way through to get the the comments just to say this is the last and only time i will ever click through one of these goddamn slideshow articles.
My only question is this: how does this new layout help Deadspin stick to sports?
I’ll be honest, the people leaving Jalopnik didn’t bother me too much because there are still some decent writers left and I honestly just pop in as a fairly mindless distraction from work. Had no real plans to change that and couldn’t really give a hoot about Spanefeller or hulk Hogan or whatever other garbage goes…
Only if they can actually get the comments to load on mobile and it doesn’t just hang forever trying to load all the ads.
It's safe to assume these people are fucking morons because they're acting like fucking morons.
Except it’s overpriced by over $10k. You can get a year newer car with similar mileage for mid 30s, not mid 40s. CP all day.
Unless you have a SECOND bed liner under it!
The Mini is actually a really good choice. My old roomate who was 6'2" and 250 or so had plenty of room in his.
These are some very salient points. I for one cannot imagine any scenario where a President Biden vetoes a bill passed by Congress for being ‘too liberal’. Our bottleneck on getting things passed right now is primarily legislative in nature because of Mitch McConnell and the Republican held Senate. And even if we…
I want to study her and understand how someone winds up with these opinions.
The one about how if she were a man, she’d insist on having women sign a consent form before sex - it’s maddening. It assumes there’s no such thing as revoking consent, no such thing as an encounter starting out consensual and then turning…
Olds died years ago