
Not a waste at all, how else will others come to understand if they’re never told? Even if it leads no where, conversation is always important.

I don’t disagree with you, either, however...for some people (hell, a LOT of people), an initial outlay of $100, $50, $25, $10, or even $5, can be devastating. Having to pay a jacked-up monthly fee on current plans can have a lot to do with that in the long-term.

To expand on what puffycow said: not everyone is affluent. Some people have to budget expenses, and an initial outlay of $600 for a new phone is not easily done. One could make the argument that a “cell phone isn’t a necessity”, but those kinds of folks don’t live in the real world (where payphones no longer exist due

I get so ingrained in being a troll, I don’t even verify if my trolling is correct anymore...

Your argumentum ad absurdum aside, they already do label what’s on packages that contain “pink goo”. It says “contains beef”, because that’s all it is. Just because you’re a twit who thinks that beef is somehow magically transformed into something else by pureeing a little more than one normally does for hamburger

Actually, the link in the article takes you to the black version of Maxpedition, so if khaki’s not your thing... But, I’ve been doing something similar using one of these Case Logic Flash Drive Shuttles. It’s got some nice pockets that work well with small tools and the like, and it’s withstood being in my back pocket

“there’s no way you can be interested in something’s “nutrition level” and not want to know if it is pink slime or not”

“there’s a green wall, accent wall, rug, and plants.”

You’re one of the few people I’ve ever found who drains their noodles and eats them that way. Everyone else looks at me like I’m nuts when I do that...then they try it. :)

Just a quick endorsement for this speaker. I bought one about a month and a half ago the first time it was featured on Kinja Deals. I’d already been looking for a Bluetooth speaker for some time and was always quite disappointed with the sound quality when I listened to them in the store.

Just a quick endorsement for this speaker. I bought one about a month and a half ago the first time it was featured

Thank you so much for the article! I’ve never been fully able to articulate the disgust I feel when reading about the dipshits who get offended by the “everyone gets a trophy” faux scenario that exists primarily in their own minds. The goal of any good parents is my children should have better opportunities than I

Well, no. You can get two BIKES for $225, but not decent ones. :)

No worries. He’s one of those “there’s no venomous snakes where I live, so they don’t exist at all” types. Of course, none of that matters since what’s actually in the pack is a bite & sting kit and epipens, indicating the child is most likely allergic to bee stings. Agreed, it’s all helicoptering parents. If their

That’s fine, I’ve known enough humans to understand their inability to change their minds. You wanna carry around a 10 pound wool blanket instead of a $2, 3 ounce space blanket everywhere you go, you feel free.

Well, part of our problem is this thing called “facts”. You call the returns “marginal”...how old are the numbers you’re using? For example, our city recently completed an study on the feasibility of a solar initiative in our area, used 2010 prices for solar, and concluded “holy shit, no way!” When it was pointed out

I’m always amazed at the backlash for using the word “apps”. I’ve been in IT, and have heard applications called “apps” informally for decades. “Eh, he’s an idiot. Just didn’t know where to click to get into the app.” We’ve only really just “formalized” the name in recent years. Language is fluid, and changes. There

I assume based on the contents of the bag, the child in question has an allergy to bee stings, hence the reason for the epipens and “bite and sting kit”, which the author has labeled as “venom removal kit” (technically true, but obviously throws off those not interested in delving deeper, such as reading the linked

Maybe back in the day there were more water fountains available where you could get a drink? Now, you want to water your kids, you need to buy a bottle of water. Bringing your own only makes sense nowadays, which is why we always carry some when out with the kids. Or, are you just denigrating their choice of waters

It was a miracle. Unfortunately, all of the kids that did die aren’t here to tell you how much danger you were actually in.

Allow me to answer for him: “Fuck you, loser. Stop sucking on my paycheck! Not my fault you’re a loser who can’t keep a job!”