
If I want a nicer hole, I’ll just break out this bad boy.

Eh....I think this is only an issue because oversensitive liberal white folk who can’t use those words don’t understand using words like that to make jokes about yourself or just saying the words in general without censoring ourselves because we can. Remember all the clutched pearls over the president saying ‘nigger’?

pssst.... it’s not about you...

Can she, (and played by Ashley Eckstein) PLEASE make a cameo in Star Wars Rogue One?

They look like a Steam Punk convention got rammed by a children’s paint supply truck, and I want them all!

“...reconsider your opinion of them.”

Look, we get it. You’re part of the crowd who just loves to think they’ve got it all figured out and everybody else is wrong. You’re so smart, aren’t you? Except this isn’t an argument about whether jet fuel melts steel beams, or whether the Moon landing was faked. Those arguments don’t have consequences. Every time

every time I see a recap of Gotham, I understand less and less how is that batman going to work.

Or maybe just make sure your kids are playing Pokemon GO in Canada, where you probably wont get robbed at gunpoint.

You, you're wife, Rebels, and a Kentucky accent? That's the most dorky and adorable thing I've heard all week. Adorkable, if you will.

Compare a cargo ship from 1970 to one from 2010, a rocket from the 70s to Kazakh rockets from 2010, there’s not that much of a difference.

Not to go off on a tangent, but that was some stellar insight on the Babylonians part. They were certainly ahead of the curve.

“I haven’t played the games at all, nor do I know the story, but let me make my completely misinformed opinion here on the internet...”

Shiny as the shiniest Harley cosplay... Me likey!!

"I can't benefit from this; therefore, anyone who says they can are lying and/or stupid."

Let's be honest here: retail labor isn't exactly hard to come by in these situations. Headhunting is, for better or for worse, for people with relatively more rare skills.

Even if I had it, I'm still not going to mess with a gelatinous cube.

If it was extremely well-written, so many people would've have missed the point.

"No comment."