
Is someone at lifehacker watching what I'm doing on my computer? I install burg, the next day lifehacker has a post on it. I install burg manager, the next day lifehacker has a post on it. I need to start wearing my foil hat again.

@Gary_7vn: Not going to comment on any of the facts you brought up, I'd have to do some more reading on the subject to not sound like an idiot....but I must say some of your jokes where really cliché. I've always thought it's bad taste to insult anyone's preference of politician (past or present). It's kind of attune

@Settings: You are not born overweight, no one is. There are people of the opinion that there are such things as a genetic predisposition to obesity, and there are certainly medical conditions that can cause it at a young age. I was a hefty teenager at 250lbs (I was a ball of lard at one point), but by eating healthy

Breaking News! Healthy lifestyle leads to less incidence of illness!

@snownpaint1: Not that I vote soley on character or how a person appears, but of the pictures above he is the only one who I might be able to respect as a person.

@kaffeen: Well I'm no entomologist (or whoever the hell would be studying this) so I'd take what I say with a grain of salt, but my thinking was that we would gain a better understanding of what lived on our young earth and the forces that shaped our modern day earth. We have a crude understanding of hyperbarics but

@Ryan: A product isn't green until it has that specific font used on the replenish bottle.

@kaffeen: There's as much reaction to the lack of an action as well. We've gained knowledge at no loss and with litte risk. People have a once bitten twice shy attitude about entomology, so I can see why someone would be nervous, but that shouldn't blind anyone to a real payoff like this.

@minjin: This only happens after we start limiting the number of children a person can have.

@Tightlines: That's too small a snapshot of the "issues" to formulate an opinion like that. We're probably screwed either way.

@mangonights: Wow I hope to god not, apple would destroy everything that makes Nintendo great. To be honest I do think any large gaming company could thrive in apple's walled garden.

@Leandri: You put it into words better than me. That's kind of what I was saying, does the submissive posture stem from some psychological deficit rather than a physical one.

@casmith07: I hear ya, give me some windows 7 goodness any day. I mean for god sakes the program we use to document charts in was written in Visual Basic. Worse than that, it was written in VB and cost several MILLION dollars...and it still blows.

I was always curious...is the reason "unconfident" body language can be picked up on like that is because it denotes some kind of physical deficit? For example, a wild dog can pick out the slowest and weakest looking from the herd even if its muscle mass or size appears about the same as the others. Is it possible

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: You start with simple survival skills & scavenging in a post apocalyptic wasteland before you get to the weapons training, THAT is where he went wrong!

@Triborough: No but radar guided AA guns have a hell of a time getting a lock on it. It's obviously covered with radar absorbent material.

@johnnyabnormal: Wait...you mean the spetsnaz WASN'T created for that sole purpose? Then what the heck do they do?!

@gerrrg: "Well played Mr. Gunman...well played. You are free to go."

@casmith07: Well I'd love to know what branch is getting them then, cause I'm an AF medic and I'm using a PC that still has XP on it.