
Uh, sure? I mean, I’m puzzled by this line: “Shooting slow motion videos and shots of friends in crazy low light is awesome, but is it worth a move to Sony from Samsung or Apple or even LG.”

For fuck’s sake Novak... There’s no such thing as a fucking wage gap. Women DO NOT earn less than men for equal work, you dumbass. Women typically make less overall because they tend to choose careers that don’t pay as well. Maybe you should get your head out of your ass and research a topic instead of spouting

Can you imagine the uproar if a show called “Dear Black People” was created where the trailer shows a condescending view towards black people? Kinda puts the whole thing in perspective when you think about it. Not that I really care either way, just pointing out why people might find it offensive.

Honestly somatotypes are just made up categories by a psychologist in the 40s who really had no understanding of metabolism. As a medical student, we were never taught about them and their names make literally no biological sense at all. Physical trainers need to stop buying into this bullshit because a person’s


Other countries aren't close to the size of the US. People seem to conveniently forget the US is fucking HUGE. We have states bigger than most nations in Europe. Minnesota alone is bigger than England Wales and Scottland.

What is a colloquialism? Is it sexist?


Because it plays on a colloquialism?

You also think the white man is the devil according to all your other posts. Go back to gawker.

Whole listeria. At least it’s organic listeria.

“FDA Slaps Whole Foods With a Warning Over Its Disgusting Kitchen”

Trying to get people who aren’t all-in on the Google ecosystem and aren’t especially tech-savvy to add you in Hangouts is like pulling teeth. This will use Whatsapp-style telephone number adding, which is much easier for those kinds of people to do.

Nobody understands. Not even them.

They tested out “gallo,” but the respondents left them hanging.

You picked the one post I made to this article which included no mention of the privacy issues of Windows 10, and it’s here that you choose to call me paranoid?

Or you could get yourself Classic Shell and not pay a cent, except any donation you may wish to give to the hardworking people at the project. It’s arguably the best way to get classic functions both in the start menu and Windows Explorer, and pick and choose which elements of the newer functions you wish to keep as

Actually they do, if they aren’t making money off of it. It’s called Fair Use.

“denying the film and music industry $500m.”
does anybody actually believe that? it’s quite ridiculous.
I suppose it only matters if the film and music industry attorneys can convince a jury/judge that it’s true.

also, i hope this doesn’t affect mega.nz

Sorry, but no. At least, not if that new bill allocates any funds for projects to areas that aren’t large cities. If this is the case, there are some glaring issues with your arguments