
Honestly somatotypes are just made up categories by a psychologist in the 40s who really had no understanding of metabolism. As a medical student, we were never taught about them and their names make literally no biological sense at all. Physical trainers need to stop buying into this bullshit because a person’s


What is a colloquialism? Is it sexist?


Because it plays on a colloquialism?

You also think the white man is the devil according to all your other posts. Go back to gawker.

Plus, worst case scenario, the lighter still sparks even after it's out of fuel. Pop the metal collar off, hold it close to your tinder, and bam (after several tries)! One-handed fire striker.

I think being a victim is a state of mind and others can sense it .... I know people that are just magnets for trouble, it seems like problematic people are drawn to them. On the other hand I’ve traveled extensively for living, have always lived in big cities, never had a problem ...

Defense is something you need to contend with in a mass emergency situation. More often than not just having a gun is more than enough to scare off potential human threats.

The Monoprice 3way adjustable monitor stand. I had been looking for a monitor stand that ran under 100 bucks. This one fit the bill, and I think I paid a similar price to what it is now. Its not the prettiest, but it gets the job done and its not hard on the pocket book.

The Monoprice 3way adjustable monitor stand. I had been looking for a monitor stand that ran under 100 bucks. This

I've actually heard someone ask the propper way to apply a tourniquet for a head bleed. Poor girl, our supervisor made a joke about "head cases", ie crazy people, and resisting the urge to slap a tourniquet around their neck. She thought he was serious and thought head case meant head trauma.

Friendly reminder, secure the leftover strap after you have completely tightened the tourniquet and the bleeding is controlled. It would be a shame to stop the bleeding, only to have all that dangling strap catch on something and yank the tourniquet loose.