
@Zkdog: That made me laugh so hard...and it's completely in tune with this article. "Do Want" indeed.

@Buster Friendly: It is true! My fiance is in japan, and apparently they don't use SMS over there, it's all email. That actually made it simpler for us to text each other, she texts my verizon number @vtext.com and I text her email back. Saves us both soooo much money.

I've noticed lifehacker has a lot of articles of this nature lately, and every time I want to chime in with one tidbit of advice. If you do not exercise on a daily basis right now, and you try one of these articles out, it will suck at first. You will not see an improvement right away, you will lose time and you will

See: Everything that boxee already has and is...with google fixing the last minor bugs that are left.

Vote: Taxslayer

I love how the superbar works and looks when it's on the left, but I've never been able to get used to it, it's just not natural. I sit there for a full minute going "Crap! Where'd my taskbar go! How do I do this again?" For that reason, I have it on the top.

Vote: Windows 7 built in VPN. Simple, effective, and does exactly what I need it to.

This isn't exactly a new discovery. 'Certain people' who might just happen to fly on olive drab painted aircraft and have access to O2 and (for bad hangovers) an IV, have known both to be a fast hangover cure for years.

For the record, I just upgraded from an aged and low end Olympus E-500 to a Nikon D90, and I realized now how easy it is for him to say that. I could not even DREAM of being so casual about low light situations with my olympus, but the nikon...oh a new world of dark and shadowy possibilites. Low light without a flash

Recently I had to book a complicated flight for my wedding. What I needed was this:

I love the beer bottles in the last picture. I wish my work was more like that.

@balls187: Agreed. Borders and barnes and nobles already have little kiosks to find books all around the store. Why not add the functionality to scan the barcode of a book you own for a 99 cent or 1.99 digital copy. Not saying it should work for every book, but at least for what's in the store. That system could

Really? I'm going to paraphrase here — 'Distract yourself with tasks while you're driving'

@techfox: Rofl, I did the EXACT same thing. I litterally did a head knod as well.

@sugardeath: Oh trust me :p I'm a medic, I'm certain I've got wonderful things like staff and mrca on my skin like most docs do.

While I'm all for it, I must say things like towels, sponges, dish rags are not in the least bit sanitary. They trap a lot of really nasty things inside them and they sit there festering and growing while you don't use them. Typically, its nothing that will hurt you, but from a sanitation standpoint I'd go with paper

The time I spent in okinawa proved about half these true, but I don't recall seeing anyone pick anything up with their fingers and my okinawan fiance always bites hers in half. Apparently a lot of old people still do the rubbing chopsticks together thing just because they're so old fashioned (must have not gotten

Don't worry, when the zombies start spreading, the value of a steel machines that can be repaired completely with tools in the trunk will be self evident.

Don't worry, when the zombies start spreading, the value of a steel machines that can be repaired completely with tools in the trunk will be self evident.

Laptops are very mainstream now, but your typical lifehacker reader may not fall into the "I just email, browse and play games" category, and might be more inclined to use more of a machine. Still surprising though.