
Resolution aside, I think games on the Wii look friggen gorgeous. Go on Youtube and watch emulated videos of Mario Galaxy running in 720 or 1080. Its better than anything I've seen on other consoles. Maybe its just the way Nintendo handles their art with limited hardware, but they sure know how to make a game look

Am I the only person who thinks that Rockstar is one of the few companies doing DLC right? For 10 dollars I got a 4+ hour single player campaign set in the same map as GTA IV or Red Dead Redemption. These weren't just short little single player missions that were developed along side the game and released on launch,

The problem with Heavy Rain is that you had a bunch of British actors trying to do American accents and it just didn't sound right a lot of the time. Don't get me wrong, I loved the game but there is no doubt that the accents and voice acting are off

So many Biodrones in this thread trying to justify this. "Oh must be some person with too much time on their hands, fapping to stock photos ho ho ho"

Its actually 5 dollars if you want IE and Flash support. Its free to use Microsoft Office on your tablet, plus it syncs the files on their cloud storage (2gigs free)

This exact same thing happened to my brother. I keep seeing his sponsored story on the side for the same product.

Reminds me of "The Maniac" episode of Spongebob

I remember seeing a show about Swedish prisons once. I forget what it was, but I recall one of the inmates would get up early in the morning and ride his bike around the "prision area" outside. He also had a small job where he delivered mail I think? I can't quite remember, but it didn't look half bad.

What I expected: People discussing the potential of mobile payments and the future of accepting money

*He thinks having a beard and glasses automatically makes you a hipster*

I was looking at the reviews for some sort of digital scale a while back and had noticed that anybody who gave the scale a negative review relating to it being defective, the company had contacted them and sent them a new scale.

Glad somebody mentioned that

Much better written than the article Matt wrote yesterday. Very clear explanation of whats going on with these new privacy changes. I for one welcome the changes with open arms because I use all of the Google services very often.

In my opinion the last thing Apple really inovated was the "App" culture. Yes there were applications before, but Apple created a huge market for developers to sell their creations.

That is an interesting read. I figured he'd come across that way to anybody just looking at these photos

I think it would be really cool if Apple made a less costly, less spec'ed iPad for students. It wouldn't run the latest and greatest graphically amazing games to come out, nor would it have 80gigs of storage, no cameras

After using an iPhone and four Android devices, my job handed me a Blackberry to carry around. I don't see what people like about them, to me the little touch pad thing was extremely slippery feeling, often sliding past menu options that I was trying to select. Also the buttons are so damn small and it made typing out

I shit you not, I was goofing around in Second Life last week with a friend just showing her some of the weird stuff that goes on. We teleported to a virtual New York City and the first thing I see is a person playing as Sonic.

Anybody else wish that DVDs and Blurays included a version of the movie without the post special effects?

Seriously, no mention of the Xoom? I got the Wifi Xoom when it first came out and I love it. I use it daily. Its fast, stock Android, will probably be the first to get stock ICS. It has a USB port, nice back and front camera, Tegra 2