
Facebook only has information that YOU provided to them. Its not like they did a Google Search, found all past searches related to you, and automatically posted it on your wall

Oh boy, here we go

Obviously aliens

Allow me to explain

It makes me sad to know that people get paid to sit around and scare bugs all day in the name of science. I'm sure they make a hell of a lot more than I do at my desk job :(

I am surprised nobody here has mentioned modifying diet. Eating junk all day isn't going to help anybody lose weight unless you plan on buring all of those calories off. Not that dieting is any easier than getting motivated to exercise, but still.

My Xoom has Gorilla glass on it and my Samsung Vibrant does not. I treat my Vibrant like shit, constantly dropping it by mistake, I throw it in my bag or pocket with 0 care. The thing doesn't have a single scratch on it.

I prefer Android over iOS myself, but to say that Android would be where it is today without the iphone is ludacris. I like having both around, because they both are forcing each other to step up and make better products. If the iPhone was the only phone like it on the market, then Apple would have no reason to

The only thing I really like about Siri is the ability to say "Set a timer for *time", "Set alarm for *time* tomorrow" and "Schedule this event on my calendar"

Whatever they did with the newest version of Skype for Android, it ruined the whole thing. On both my Vibrant AND Xoom, it takes about 10 minutes for my contact list to show up (I only have 8 contacts) and video calling locks up and crashes. So worthless.

I can't say that the passing of Steve is a good thing, but there is no better time for this book to be released. A legacy in the tech industry who was quite a private person and known to be a jerk, leaving this book behind as he passes on. Its a window into the life of a guy who is no longer with us.

I was stuck in traffic when my friend sent me a text saying "DID JOBS DIE?". I didn't hear anything prior so I said I didn't know, but then I did a quick Google search and saw the news. It was a weird feeling to be honest. I never really cared for Apple products myself. I had the first gen iPhone and quickly switched

Took this picture from Android and Me. When brightened up and flipped over, the screen doesn't really seem as curvy as the teaser video shows.

As much as my life is "connected" to the web at all times, there is just something about getting a hand written letter from a distant friend that feels more 'real' to me than getting a quick text message. Like right now, my girlfriend is across the country for a majority of the year. Sure, we Skype and talk on the

Here you go.

My thoughts exactly

Gonna have to go with Google Voice on this. I give my voice number out to people who I don't trust 100% (since I can easily block their number). On Android the push notifications work great and if my phone dies I can just log into the voice webpage and text them back with that. The only bad thing is lack of MMS, but

Its called an Easter Egg...

Duke Nukem Forever started out at a toilet, so I'm afraid you are not correct on that theory

Amazing idea, plain and simple. I own both a Wacom Bamboo and a Motorolla Xoom tablet, but drawing on digital 'pads' or touch screens just isn't the same as sketching on a piece of paper. I'm not even a great artist and I can see the potential of owning one of these. I especially dig the Illustrator vector export