
I was really hoping that Animal Crossing would eventually do this. I've been playing a lot of City Folk online lately and its really neat how two towns end up coming together when animals move, tell the other people stuff about your town, and the whole escorting the baby cat back to your friend's town.

There is a difference between breaking up and losing an expected child. One of my friends was pregnant and was super excited. She was sending out information, posting pictures of the ultrasounds on Facebook. Everybody was excited.

I wish facebook would give you the option to "announce it" or not. I broke up with my girlfriend well over two months ago and I still haven't changed my status because all 200+ people on my friends list will suddenly know, leaving comments like "OMG I'M SO SORRY" or "WHAT HAPPENED!?"

I'm personally glad it was leaked. Half-Life 2 is one of my favorite games, but there is no doubt that the beta version had a ton of content that was extremely interesting to me. If it wasn't for this leak, I would not have gotten a chance to see some of the awesome stuff that Half-Life 2 was shaping up to be in its

If anything, watching this video made me realize how awesome a current gen Blast Corps would be. I totally got the same vibe, except the announcer

I would do sick and disgusting things to get a 3d Classic of either Adventure Island or Rockin' Cats. Sooo many sick nasty things.

I love the look on Zuck's face in that profile picture. It looks as if he's saying "Fuck with me. I dare you."

Back when I was still in school, me and my two classmates used to set up camp in our neighborhood Starbucks and do our homework there. We never once caught negative attention from the staff. In fact, a lot of the times the staff would come chat with us on and off about various things. Then again, I don't live in a

Can somebody explain to me where the "rape jokes" are? I know the plot is that the aliens are kidnapping babes to breed with. Thats been the plot since Duke 3d. How is this considered a "rape joke"?

I just got back from spending the weekend in Vegas. I got roughly 4 different Miis and 1 SSF4 StreetPass battle while on my trip. With as many people as I walked past, I'm surprised I only got that many, but it was still nice to see the green light on after a long day

Derp on your behalf, Mr. Nintendo's waggle may seem like a gimmick, but what other two companies have their own BS motion systems now?

Derp on your behalf, Mr. Nintendo's waggle may seem like a gimmick, but what other two companies have their own BS motion systems now?

Whaa, Nintendo is giving me FREE content that they can delete in an update! Whaaa

@SEDAGIVE?!: Actually, the Air Force has decided that Youtube and Facebook were okay... which I personally think is stupid.

I would love to use this for cheap home made motion capture animation for use in PC mods. I could see the mod community really wanting something like that

I love Valve's excuse to do episodic content with Half-Life

@Rzah: Ahh, thats too bad. It'd be nice if he had remotely wiped the drive BEFORE they cloned it though :)

Its going to be funny if this kid has a self destruct set on his harddrive

I'd probably place it on a small raft of some sort and set it out to sea

Hardware doesn't mean its going to be a console