
We need one of these (well, I guess two, one for each planet)

I think what Apple needs to do in a future release of the iPad OS is add the ability to use bluetooth Mice.

My Xbox 360 does this already

@williamgarzon: Should be "Yo dawg, we heard you like foiling, so we foiled your office so you can foil while you foil"

@EnochLight: I'd like to see anything near the quality of PicSay Pro on iphone. That app is just incredible for editing on the go.

@jabber: Its true, but if you still have an account that was made before they put a limit on it, you still have the ability to upload as much as you want

@BiznessMan: I have one video on my page that is over 13 minutes long.

I'm pretty sure that when Youtube first launched, the time was near unlimited.

@bdkennedy1002: Buggy huh? I haven't had any problems with mine

@Evan A Fleming: I too work for the USAF (contractor though) and this is where I see a majority of android phones, mostly the droid.

Something tells me that the real Steve Jobs is being held captive somewhere underground.

My ex and I just broke up just a month shy of our 4 year aniversary.

@stifflittlefinger: Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the Evo had an 8 megapixel camera where the iPhone4 has a 5

@dfxdeimos: I get to troubleshoot Citrix printing issues as well. I despise it

I wonder if it will be like Citrix

@gijenny01: That is true, but the ability is still there

@drmrw: I'll be honest, I tried that with my Nikon D5000 lens and my Nexus One

@liddil101: Sounds to me like they could update this in a future update, just like how the G1 didn't have video recording at first, and then it did.