
Here is a picture of a lovely dog my girlfriend and I adopted from a rescue a month ago. Sadly, she passed away last weekend after getting scared of being home alone and getting out of the backyard looking for us.

The only redeeming factor of Utah are our varied climates. Its nice to be 5 minutes away from Cottonwood Canyon and a few hours from Moab

Thank you for putting up this article. My girlfriend and I adopted a rescue about a month ago and we instantly fell in love with her. Unfortunately on Sunday she ran out in front of a train and was killed. I am aware that this article is regarding putting you pet down but it still has some good advice coping with our

YUP. Saw it this weekend when doing homework in the park. It made me wonder why I was seeing Comcast popups on certain sites.

The lenses linked on the cardboard site are 9.99 on Amazon... This is a 20 dollar project at most

Settings app has been updated CONFIRMED. Saw it in a hands on video. Looks much much better

This story hits so close to home. I had hundreds and hundreds of unfinished Klick and Play/Games Factory/MMF projects on my old computer that are now lost forever :(

You don't need a card to get pizza. You can walk in through the exit without a membership and get one. I do it all the time!

I have been waiting for this feature for a while now

Source Filmmaker comes with the high definition models. Hell, Valve even threw in Meet the Heavy and Meet the Engineer that you can open up and modify. I think the real answer is, Valve has a team of professional animators who have industry experience animating characters. You guys are comparing that to a guy who used

Google Glasses!

Almost every post on Facebook that I make, I set the privacy to "friends only" and even exclude certain individuals that I don't want to see said post.

Would have been nice for using the dock/keyboard. I know you can use the wireless one, but battery life. I despise typing in portrait mode for many reasons, so yes I think it would have been a nice inclusion.

I had a Samsung T-801 I believe it was. Had a camera that swiveled front to back. Then I got the Sidekick 3, Krazr, Tmobile MDA, and then the first gen iPhone. I've had many Androids since the G1.

I do the same thing to anybody who is stupid enough to keep their Facebook logged in at the Apple Store. Although I do realize the guy in this story had a "broken phone", other people need to take their account security more seriously.

IT guy myself, I know that feel. Nothing pisses me off more than having a full mouth of sandwich while somebody zips around the corner to ask a ridiculous computer question. Its never "Oh you're eating, I'll come back later."


AKA: I liked Ikea before it went mainstream

Earthbound was a great game, I remember renting the shit out of it when I was a kid. HOWEVER, Mother 3 was just such a beautiful game. Everything about it was just so good, its a shame we never saw an official release. I feel like I should send money to Mr. Itoi via PayPal for having played such a great game

Well he says the logo is rendered in engine and you can see the things on the side of the page that he's already completed. I honestly doubt its still in "Planning stages". In fact, I bet its further along than any of us really think