the fit won’t return because the mexican factory is at capacity making the HRV. and if we imported the japan built fit it would cost way more than a honda civic.
the fit won’t return because the mexican factory is at capacity making the HRV. and if we imported the japan built fit it would cost way more than a honda civic.
He made it gold, dude wants to crow over the plebs. He just didn’t count on there being so many of them.
They wouldn’t buy it new anyways. Thats for suckers, gotta let someone else eat that depreciation.
For those of you who are still holding out for a new car without a touch screen and with manual windows, locks, etc. - just give up or buy a 10+ year old car. It’s not happening.
I don’t hate Philly teams, really, I hate Philly fans. Worst fans in the country.
I actively root against the any Philadelphia team as much as I can, because win or loose, the city always loses.
That this kind of thing seems to happen way to often is why I am glad I am not a sports fan.
It’s not a real party until an Eagles fan eats horse poop.
The GNX was cool and an interesting engineering exercise, but it’s not like the G-body it was based on was at all interesting or special. The only truly special thing was the motor.
JFC. Was Johnson trying to win a most cringe comment contest?
There must be a name for this kind of profile pic/person, or at least some kind of bingo game:
That’s...actually a handome little CUV. I hate that’s it’s a handsome little CUV. Now I’m sort of interested...
It wasn’t
It wasn’t
All of these people already decided they didn’t like the halftime show when they saw what Kendrick looks like, so now they are just looking for any excuse they can to back up that (bad) opinion
Both Houses of Congress are controlled by Republicans, and you know they’re not going to stop Drumpf. What exactly are the Democrats supposed to do from the minority seats? They can file lawsuits, but Republicans also control the SCOTUS, so there’s no guarantee that logic or rational thought are going to win there,…
They’ll gladly suffer just to pwn the libs.
Kind of ironic that it’s going to be a lot of blue-collar workers (i.e., a large Trump demographic) that will lose the jobs and income from the cancellation of EV chargers and other infrastructure projects.
Is there anyone actually in Congress? Like with the Power of the Purse? You know, that thing spelled out in the Constitution? Or are the five thousand “We The People” ugly ass rear window truck stickers I se every morning on my commute only referencing a narrow, and completely incorrect reading of the second…