
Ask anyone who lives in the region. It's the helicopters. There's the cause.

Yes. Please hurry.

Yes. It’s the DEI-hire ATC and his/her/their transgender 2nd cousin’s fault.

Does nothing for vehicle affordability for normal working people.

I live in the area (omg, 30 years) and I honestly didn’t know the water was that shallow.

It’s sad that you went there, but by this evening that will probably be the prominent narrative on X, Fox, and the rightwing social mediasphere. It tells you all you need to know that his first instinct is to blame ATC. They’re Fed employees after all...

I have lived and worked in this area most of my adult life. I was here when 9-11 happened, in fact on the Pentagon property that morning about 15 min before the incident. We’ll learn more, but I’ll just say that there has been a very noticeable uptick in helicopter traffic in recent years. For me it became most

Nah. Accents are fascinating, and the east coast still has LOTS of them. I can tune in and place most accents along the I-95 corridor from about Richmond to Maine. Half my college was from New Jersey and I sometimes miss the different PA/NJ/NY accents. Ever hear an old timer from Rhode Island? Its like NYC and Boston

I’m driving a 2010. This is now the 6th or 7th year I’ve been saying “I might buy a new car this fall.

I like ChrisFix and I learned a few things from him. Based on his accent, and background in the videos, I’m trying to hone in on exactly what NJ suburb of Philly he hails from. I’m thinking Cherry Hill? Moorestown? It’s been awhile since I frequented that region, but he’s definitely within 10 min of the Delaware River 

Adam’s reviews are so thoughtful and informative. Great channel.

That’s Jack. I enjoy that they review normal-people cars and are very attuned to the realities of manufacturing, production, marketing, and cost.

that lead photo hurts my eyes. please replace it.

Sometimes badge engineering is just that.

I had a 97 Dodge Stratus 2.0 5-speed, base model, crank windows, etc. It was not a terrible car but it has a reputation as such. I had some excellent attributes. It’s a minor thing but I always thought the layout of the dash and controls was perfect, and overall excellent visibility and ergonomics. A/C was

They could do a sub-SE trim Corolla hatchback. White or black, steelies with covers, cut a few features. Is dual zone HVAC really necessary? Canada offers one.

To him its a different planet. Mind you this guy pulled over a VW Cabriolet thinking two thugs were running drugs or something. I don’t think he got out or very far much. (Apologies to brothers who drive (or drove) VW Cabrios. I’m sure there are possibly a dozen of you.)

I love me some Dolly. I hate vanity plates generally. Its a stupid state money grab, and the populace is stupid enough to get suckered into it. I do not associate Ohio with Dolly- if her likeness is to be on any state’s license plate, only Tennessee is acceptable. And how pathetic is it that a state would find it

And for a more full picture, we were two 2o-something gay white dudes in a Mk1 VW Cabrio, quite possibly the gayest car ever. (The top was up and windows tinted so he probably didn’t see our faces until we stopped)

True, but this was before BLM, “sovereign citizens” etc. before we all had a script memorized. He realized it wasn’t a DWB, so yeah we exercised the white privilege card and the situation was over in seconds.