
I’m seriously shocked you said this, DontGetYourBoobsInaBunchTina! Her voice is so grating and precious to me I had to turn the video off. It’s true that this is probably the first time I have ever heard her speak, so I don’t know if she’s improved or not, but, truly, I’m surprised as heck by your reaction to it.

Kristen Stewart has always been terrible. She has proven time and again that she is just a selfish person who doesn’t give a shit.

All I know about her is that my dad cries when she appears on a Humane Society commercial (‘cos dogs ‘n’ cats an’ shit, not ‘cos’a her). But I pity her for Ryan Sweeting. His game was awful and he looks like what a precocious, but especially dim cocker spaniel might if it was turned human.

“Hormone-free sex” really doesn’t work nearly as well as you might think, Gwyneth.

My father invented passive aggressive post it notes.

She was on TV earlier today when I was in the lunch room. I really, really, REALLY wish we would stop giving non-doctors/non-scientists a platform to talk about medical issues. The “chronic Lyme” people are often as misguided as anti-vaxxers (and are frequently the same people).

Post-it-notes here!

my father invented toaster strudel.

Not true. My dad invented cargo pants.

A homophobic bigot with an anger problem that once had a a very minor quasi-rap hit, who is loved by white women who normally don’t listed to rap music. Here most notable cultural achievement is probably being one of the last d-list celebrities given the chance to pose nude for Playboy. Also someone who apparently

As the short girl in my peer group throughout my K-12 career, I had all different colors of elbows resting on my little blonde head. I don’t think I ever looked that badass in the photos, though.

That’s because he’s lying. The only reason he gave away drinks all the time is because he figured out the tips were better when he did it.

That really is the problem. For her, she got the best of the best. Of course it was all very nice! She’s privileged even within her own community.

Well said. I’m also glad that the OP had a nice childhood, but this piece is unfortunately dripping with the sort of blissfully unselfaware nonsense that I see in most liberal Christian apologetics.

The evangelicals I know are ready to hear when they have wronged or hurt you, ready to incorporate your feedback into their daily lives, to pray together over coffee, to ask for forgiveness.

Laura was the pastor’s kid. That alone makes me want to barf. She has zero concept of how real people are really treated by churchies.

That’s nice, dear.

The core of evangelism is running around and telling other people that your system of beliefs is correct and that theirs isn’t.

Being an exception to a rule doesn’t make the rule any less fucked up

I’m glad she had a good experience at Willow Creek Compound. I know several people who go to church there, including a former friend and they are batshit, bible banging assholes.