Yeah. This reads like Emily watched a documentary over the weekend that mentioned Feinstein for 10 seconds and was like “oooh, I like talking shit about her. Article!”
Yeah. This reads like Emily watched a documentary over the weekend that mentioned Feinstein for 10 seconds and was like “oooh, I like talking shit about her. Article!”
She should’ve added “P.S. Andromeda was unwatchable”
It’s Joan. Of course it’s boring. And painfully unfunny.
Im also confused! Like, if I see someone dumping boxes of kraft dinner in the ocean like a crazed Exxox Valdiz incarnate, but I can’t or won’t do that, am I a dolphin? If my brother eats a plate of unpasteurized cheese at a dinner party, despite his known lactose intolerance, and then takes an uncontrolled dump on the…
“I feel like Jolie is far too wise to react to this obvious provocation in a way that might be unflattering to her,...”
Totally agree. However I am still really curious to know why Bruce is with his ex and their adult kids and not with his wife and young children.
You could convince me pretty easily that these are made from melted-down trash cans.
I think it’s being implied that Reese is the one who paid to make this go away because she didn’t want the complications of testifying at the trial.
You know why.
I mean she’s handled it well and I have no doubt it sucks to hear people talk about you like that, but (to your point) it’s also part of choosing to be a public figure!
Is that technically even a thong? What's left before you get to g-string?
I didn’t find the comments creepy, seems more they want to embarrass her.
Where is Miley Citrus’s hoodie?
ikr. People have died with a single punch. And if that happens you can be tried for murder. How stupid can people be? And if you think a woman can’t kill a man, suppose he choked to death on his tooth? Suppose he fell and hit his head on concrete hard? And if she hits a man in response to being insulted, what’s to…
I don’t think you’re ever going to see “defenestrate” out of a writer who serves up Violent Paley.
I miss the good old days when you had to steal urine out of the toilet after your wife peed and then vlog about it for clicks before being exposed as hoaxsters.
That was a big reason I got interested in art and history as a child—my father moved to DC after my parents divorced, and on the weekends my sister and I were with him, he would take us to the Smithsonian museums for entertainment (because it was free)—it was the thing that taught me that I loved Dutch still lifes,…