
Life is like a box of spice, you never know if it’s gonna turn you into a giant, spaceship driving turd worm thingy.

In fact, I might just make some of my own.



So his given imperfection was psychopathy.

Ok, then it was as deeply stupid as I, I mean my friend, thought i was.

Agreed. It was beautifully produced (and the music was wonderful), but I didn’t really see the point, either (see what i did there?)

Which gave us The Handicapper General.

Seriously WHAT IS THE DEAL with Brits and painting everything in that HORRIBLE lilac!? You really do see it in every home, even bathrooms. It looks like grannys’ panties.

Some of these short films are better than full-length movies. As for this one, I was surprised on both fronts: his problem and hers.

Honestly? I kinda just want some printable copies of the stuff that’s tacked up on the wall in the waiting room. Amazing.

This is actually darker if you can believe it...

I think the ‘problem’ he was given was along the lines of ‘psychopath.’

I think the ‘problem’ he was given was along the lines of ‘psychopath.’

They say he’s perfect, but look at that schnoz!

Can someone explain this like I’m very stupid? For my friend.

I thought it was interesting, and I suppose his flaw was an shocking enough twist- but I’m not really sure what the point was.

I don’t get it? Can someone explain in words a dumb guy would get?

What. The. Fuck.